-Private bossrooms in places like Cave Kraken that doesnt cost charge of row. Currently only one person can kill kraken boss at a time because
Last time I did this, everyone complained that it killed the main use of the RoW which implied a big bond devalue.
The thing with kraken is that only one person can attack kraken boss at a time. In every other bossroom, everyone can attack the boss at the same time.
-Trading Post/Player owned Shops/Grand exchange for hardcores. Very hard for new people to get hold of stuff
While not impossible, would be quite a bit of work to setup the GE to support different game modes.
-Godwars cave in wildy for ecumentical keys
Should already exist/work.
-Combining clue easy, medium, hard and elite clues for master clues (check my bank for stack alex)
Current ways of obtaining clues may need to be re-evaluated for this
Why? What's the problem with how it is now?
-Update boss slayer shop. It is very bad for hardcores.
Ideas besides drop/xp boosts?
I've forgotten all the ideas i had. I've tried suggesting it many times before with specific stuff
-Explain better to new players that dont chose HCIM that its a mode where the exp rate is lowered and people can trade. There's alot of

It seems pretty clear?
Idk, alot of the new players gets very surprised when they find out hardcores can trade with eachother.
Also look at Rare shop price at duel arena? I currently have almost all the cash in hardcore mode, and im not even close to the cheapest partyhat.