-Give bonds a use other than skilling outfits and membership. For example blood money, double exp, droprate boosts, (comment if uhave more suggestions)
-Trading Post/Player owned Shops/Grand exchange for hardcores. Very hard for new people to get hold of stuff
-Godwars cave in wildy for ecumentical keys
-Combining clue easy, medium, hard and elite clues for master clues (check my bank for stack alex)
-Private bossrooms in places like Cave Kraken that doesnt cost charge of row. Currently only one person can kill kraken boss at a time because
there's only one room. Make an instance any time you enter for a gp fee or something if main room is taken.
-Update boss slayer shop. It is very bad for hardcores.
-Lower master clue cost in boss slayer shop.
-Explain better to new players that dont chose HCIM that its a mode where the exp rate is lowered and people can trade. There's alot of
questions about it
-Lower rareshop prices @ duel arena
Feel free to post more suggestions below