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Hey all,
I'm sure we all know how the wilderness is by now. Dead, there's really only 15 people max who pk often and all at different times, so pvmers sorry if you now realize why we attack. These are a few suggestions I have:
1. Add wilderness events held by mods once or twice a week? HP event where a mod has 10k HP and we all pile him in deep multi wild, and when the mod is finally killed he loses an inventory of stuff (you decide what stuff as Ik it can ruin eco). Also let it yell who got the kill so it becomes a huge bloodbattle to loot items.
2. Add bloodkey event so that whoever loots the key is automatically skulled and can be multi attacked anywhere in wild (so edge becomes multi only for them, etc). Multi also helps stop the player from boxing a friend back to escape. Reward can be like 25k bm + a random chance at bm shop items or maybe 10k bm and random item in game excluding raid items/Corp items? Maybe once every 3 hours for bloodkey. Give us an option to teleport to the key holder as well so it really takes skill to escape.
EDIT: make bloodkey randomly spawn at rogues castle, chaos temple, alter near kbd lair, lava maze near the demons, spots that are hard to escape. Automatically teleblock the player for 15 minutes so only way out is border and allow them to not be able to log out for 60 seconds if they try to, xlog included. If a keyholder dies, let the game yell who picks it up and put a target on their dot on minimap.
3. Ability to swap rigour and augury prayers. I've been pking for 6 years and I'm so used to eagle eye and mystic might that I don't really think about it at this point I just switch to them from instinct. I'd really prioritize this as I cant see it being that difficult, just the ability to put eagle eye and mystic might in the place of augury and rigour, and vice versa.
4. NERF MAGIC ACCURACY. People do not miss freezes no matter what gear. Me and my friend went pking yesterday and he was tbing people in dhide. He literally said screw robes and used dhide to tb people and it worked everytime. I always hit with magic and RARELY splash. This needs to be fixed it's really broke.
5. Remove the 2 minute return timer? I understand ragging is an issue but I think if you die you should be able to return fast rather than 2 minutes later, it really makes the rush of pking and getting back to help die off. Maybe make some forms of ragging bannable in all wild? Like rune/cbow, crystal bow 1 item, etc.? The 2 minute timer also stops wars because whoever gets koed first is a disadvantaged for those 2 minutes which is all it takes to lose.
6 (maybe). Allow players to be able to jump the Rev cave agil courses without level requirement. I understand people grinded hours on hours for 89 agil to use the shortcut escapes, but most pkers don't want to train agil. I personally don't mind but this is for the greater good so I can't leave it out although I know it will be shot down.
7. Maybe also remove raid items from shop and leave them chaos elemental accessible only? Chaos ele is perfect for the wild and should remain untouched until the release of raids, in which remove raid drops from it. Fix chaos ele BUG. If someone lures it to single wilderness and attacks it, no one can attack the player or the chaos ele. A few spots this works at are the lava maze chaos ele spawn and the kbd gates spawn. It gives a player free ele kill and no one can pj them or anything.
These are just suggestions and I'm interested in what you all have to say about them. Thanks for reading and let's hope some of these can be implemented!