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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by callofdoooty View Post
    the wildy does need to have more attraction to it. lets all take a minuet and ask our selfs what brought you to a private server to start with?
    pking....skilling and pvm? maybe you should be playing actual osrs... pvp is the main reason why players play private servers. but when we are not pking and grinding for them good items you can not buy from pvp shops you gotta do slayer. the pvm on this server is beyond any other server out there it is on point. one thing and the major key to any server is focusing on the wildy. movements is on point the glitches really are not there. as for mage i can be maxxed range gear and still land a 30 with barrage, thats is very unlikely in osrs, or any other server for in that matter. The AGS is wayy over powered you have a 98% chance of max hit every time. that is not good so that makes it the on demand weapon and Elite over any other Weapon in game. Makes people not want to pk knowing under 82hp you can be stacked at any time with a ags.

    1. Events in the wildy is a very good idea.
    2. We need a Better PK Shop For Items you can only obtain within pking and points (blood money) , more of a selection for all (pures,hybrids,mains) Even if you have to make a few custom items for each.
    3.If we Cant use Teleports in our spell book make them into a new spell or a working pking teleport on ancients.
    4.PvP dont only land for pking,duel arena,or Clan Wars, Bring Castle Wars Back! Custom Rewards With Tokens/Tickets Earned. Make The Grind Worth it.
    5.Max Capes Should Be Rewarding other then knowing every skill is maxxed out, Lets See a New Weapon,Armor.ect, Make the Grind Count.
    6.Highscores is for all players IM,HCIM,Normal. anyone else think irons and hardcore irons deserve their own highscores?
    and 7. ive had this talk on discord voice chat with many, and ingame with many. DEAD MAN MODE. New World With Dead Man Mode. F2p (normal no reward) p2p(10$ entry fee)
    Deadman Mode 317 style for first week then release whips and final week you get god swords.ect change it up. No server out there has their main content and a Seasonal DeadMan Mode, yes would be 2 vps but in the end pay off, would be a giant attraction to Battlescape.
    !. Would need an active mod and maybe something Palidino can implement.
    2. Just gotta wait, maybe Palidino will find out how to add some cosmetic items from RS2 like RuneCraft Robes, Zerker Shields, etc. Currently you cannot just load Pre-EoC items into a OSRS Server, it's not as simple as a 317.
    3. He could implement special Teleports like "Mage Bank" without the use of runes straight from your Magic Tab.
    4.I'd prefer something like the old zombies because you could do it single or multiplayer. Castle Wars is too big of a map and is dead content even on OSRS and is only Multiplayer.
    5. I agree, some perks should be added for them. He can't add custom items to the server. He got the PvP weapons loaded, just no PvP Weapon GFX or Animations. It's just using random GFX and Anim.
    6.Hiscores has seperate hiscores for each build?

    Normal: https://www.battle-scape.com/hiscores/normal
    Ironman: https://www.battle-scape.com/hiscores/ironman
    Hardcore: https://www.battle-scape.com/hiscores/hardcore

    7. Lets not separate the server more with another game mode.It's only active when Jagex wants to put out $10,000, then after it's dead. Palidino doesn't have funds to just put out money for a winner.

  2. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by callofdoooty View Post
    the wildy does need to have more attraction to it. lets all take a minuet and ask our selfs what brought you to a private server to start with?
    pking....skilling and pvm? maybe you should be playing actual osrs... pvp is the main reason why players play private servers. but when we are not pking and grinding for them good items you can not buy from pvp shops you gotta do slayer. the pvm on this server is beyond any other server out there it is on point. one thing and the major key to any server is focusing on the wildy. movements is on point the glitches really are not there. as for mage i can be maxxed range gear and still land a 30 with barrage, thats is very unlikely in osrs, or any other server for in that matter. The AGS is wayy over powered you have a 98% chance of max hit every time. that is not good so that makes it the on demand weapon and Elite over any other Weapon in game. Makes people not want to pk knowing under 82hp you can be stacked at any time with a ags.

    1. Events in the wildy is a very good idea.
    2. We need a Better PK Shop For Items you can only obtain within pking and points (blood money) , more of a selection for all (pures,hybrids,mains) Even if you have to make a few custom items for each.
    3.If we Cant use Teleports in our spell book make them into a new spell or a working pking teleport on ancients.
    4.PvP dont only land for pking,duel arena,or Clan Wars, Bring Castle Wars Back! Custom Rewards With Tokens/Tickets Earned. Make The Grind Worth it.
    5.Max Capes Should Be Rewarding other then knowing every skill is maxxed out, Lets See a New Weapon,Armor.ect, Make the Grind Count.
    6.Highscores is for all players IM,HCIM,Normal. anyone else think irons and hardcore irons deserve their own highscores?
    and 7. ive had this talk on discord voice chat with many, and ingame with many. DEAD MAN MODE. New World With Dead Man Mode. F2p (normal no reward) p2p(10$ entry fee)
    Deadman Mode 317 style for first week then release whips and final week you get god swords.ect change it up. No server out there has their main content and a Seasonal DeadMan Mode, yes would be 2 vps but in the end pay off, would be a giant attraction to Battlescape.
    2. I agree with redoing the shop, but adding customs is not what I'd want to see.
    3. Agreed. Currently movement of the players can be tracked by their usage of the teleportation wizard and that's not reasonable in my opinion. Anyhow, there's teleport tabs already added for ghorrock etc.
    4. Can't find this to be very succesful.
    5. Not necessary imo.
    6. Take another look at the highscores.

    Need to be realistic and say that deadman mode would be way too much work for one developer, who is not even very active. DMM server would need to be flawless to make it successful.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    I can’t see the mod involvement with events happening. It will happen once and then die down.

  4. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    I can’t see the mod involvement with events happening. It will happen once and then die down.
    I'm sure there would be participation if someone wanted to host the events. Tim has hosted a few, but it's been a while.

  5. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    I'm sure there would be participation if someone wanted to host the events. Tim has hosted a few, but it's been a while.
    If Tim is your best bet at event hosting then I'd hold onto that thought for the time being.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by callofdoooty View Post
    the wildy does need to have more attraction to it. lets all take a minuet and ask our selfs what brought you to a private server to start with?
    pking....skilling and pvm? maybe you should be playing actual osrs... pvp is the main reason why players play private servers. but when we are not pking and grinding for them good items you can not buy from pvp shops you gotta do slayer. the pvm on this server is beyond any other server out there it is on point. one thing and the major key to any server is focusing on the wildy. movements is on point the glitches really are not there. as for mage i can be maxxed range gear and still land a 30 with barrage, thats is very unlikely in osrs, or any other server for in that matter. The AGS is wayy over powered you have a 98% chance of max hit every time. that is not good so that makes it the on demand weapon and Elite over any other Weapon in game. Makes people not want to pk knowing under 82hp you can be stacked at any time with a ags.

    1. Events in the wildy is a very good idea.
    2. We need a Better PK Shop For Items you can only obtain within pking and points (blood money) , more of a selection for all (pures,hybrids,mains) Even if you have to make a few custom items for each.
    3.If we Cant use Teleports in our spell book make them into a new spell or a working pking teleport on ancients.
    4.PvP dont only land for pking,duel arena,or Clan Wars, Bring Castle Wars Back! Custom Rewards With Tokens/Tickets Earned. Make The Grind Worth it.
    5.Max Capes Should Be Rewarding other then knowing every skill is maxxed out, Lets See a New Weapon,Armor.ect, Make the Grind Count.
    6.Highscores is for all players IM,HCIM,Normal. anyone else think irons and hardcore irons deserve their own highscores?
    and 7. ive had this talk on discord voice chat with many, and ingame with many. DEAD MAN MODE. New World With Dead Man Mode. F2p (normal no reward) p2p(10$ entry fee)
    Deadman Mode 317 style for first week then release whips and final week you get god swords.ect change it up. No server out there has their main content and a Seasonal DeadMan Mode, yes would be 2 vps but in the end pay off, would be a giant attraction to Battlescape.
    1.Ags isn't op. Never hit over 70 on robes no pray before, just rng really. (Had 100s of fights (NH))
    2.Max capes need benefits, currently useless besides using as fashionscape tbh.
    3.Events, i agree - but hard to sort out tbh. The juggernaut event, where a admin has 10k hp and yells their location somewhere in the wildy could be a good shot. Items in the event can be donated by players.
    4.Agree 100% on BM shop, its currently trash atm. Needs reworking - don't like the idea of customs though.

    Pali could maybe add the spellbook swap for magic cape like OSRS, but in order to obtain it you have to buy a certain scroll to possess this ability. E.g. Pay 5k boss slayer points or 200m cash or 200 votes or 5m bm etc.

  7. Offline
    Sep 2017
    Tim wasn't the only one who hosted PVP events, Just the only mod who did.

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