Heard Lemon was out with 7+ we knew they were low wild so we waited for them to login at edge ditch and attack one of our baits. They made it quite obvious they didn't want to fight back (they teled as soon as they saw any Beetroot member enter the wild lmfa0) Knowing they were PKing in ditch we know they'd sooner or later grow courage to fight us and when one of there members got caught in single vs Beetroots finest (This Epoch) they knew it was game over and one of there members got caught lacking & got slapped for full dh lmfao.

The same Lemon member was going to double name change after this point but there leader said it would look obvious so they decided not to name change and just pretend they didn't die to Team Beetroot 1-0 btw. But then the same Lemonmember got killed again LMFAO some1 get this guy a chair. 2-0.

Shoutout to Lemon for dying to us TWICE LMFAO
Shoutout to "recess" cc on 07
Shoutout to James Posa Epoch Baz Markus Jack Mike Bakri Doug Coco Aaron Alex for being loyal Beetroot members for the past 5 years
Shoutout to Theo for being wolves tber (stay a bitch btw)