1. OSRS polled updates - PvP suggestions 2018  - 02-22-2018 #1

    Jan 2017
    On this thread I will be bringing up the updates that went through the community poll in oldschool runescape. I'm not obviously going to bring the ones up that simply can't have effect in Battlescape.

    PvP suggestions 2018

    The ones that went through:

    The ones that didn't go through:

    Should any of these be implemented to Battlescape?
    Last edited by Banned 42; 02-22-2018 at 03:34 AM.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    I really like 5, 11 and 12 and if i were to be able to add some of these to BS i would also love to see 7 and possible 8 pass as well and be implemented. Currently the normal spellbook is still severely underpowered compared to ancients. Which changes would you like to see (don't really have to be on this list)

    Adding to a list of ideas i'd like added in BS are;
    - Goldmembers untradables don't break under level 40 wild.
    - Items like ROW and skilling outfits will NEVER be lost upon death, making it worth using/buying bonds on the outfits to skill.
    - No opt in/out of target system.
    - Target teleport with a cooldown of lets say 15 minutes to keep it fair.
    - An active target system that tracks where the player is, currently it displays where the user was at the time of the target being assigned.

    - PVP armours to revs?

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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    - Goldmembers untradables don't break under level 40 wild. You mean that you wouldn't lose them under 40s?
    - Items like ROW and skilling outfits will NEVER be lost upon death, making it worth using/buying bonds on the outfits to skill. Could make money sink out of this and add repair cost to those.
    - No opt in/out of target system. Agreed 100%.
    - Target teleport with a cooldown of lets say 15 minutes to keep it fair. +1
    - An active target system that tracks where the player is, currently it displays where the user was at the time of the target being assigned. This. When I started playing I wasted a lot time hunting on my targets that were actually in home.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    - Goldmembers untradables don't break under level 40 wild. You mean that you wouldn't lose them under 40s?
    - Items like ROW and skilling outfits will NEVER be lost upon death, making it worth using/buying bonds on the outfits to skill. Could make money sink out of this and add repair cost to those.
    Yes i mean that they aren't lost upon death in level 1 - 40 wild. Repair cost for those items can be higher then normal 1-20 brackets maybe? Same for the skilling outfits alltough those don't really have a 'broken version' i think

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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Yes i mean that they aren't lost upon death in level 1 - 40 wild. Repair cost for those items can be higher then normal 1-20 brackets maybe? Same for the skilling outfits alltough those don't really have a 'broken version' i think
    Yeah would need to create custom id for the outfits. If that would be implemented, it should include the whole wilderness in my opinion.

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