View Poll Results: What should we do with raid items?

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  • Raid items removed and turned to Boss slayer Points

    4 36.36%
  • Raid items get a unique ID to make them untradeable

    7 63.64%

  1. Offline
    Oct 2017
    As we all are aware, raids are coming to Battle-Scape soon so i decided to make a poll which could help Palidino think of a resolution about this matter.

    If raid items are converted into boss slayer points the boss slayer point shop should be re-made.

    Here are my suggestions for what COULD be added :
    - 3rd Age Box - Includes all 3rd age pieces including weaponry and armor. (18 items in total)
    - Party Hat Box - Contains every partyhat in-game. Black phat at 50%. Rainbow at 25%. Regular phats at 4.16% each.
    - Santa Hat Box - Black santa at 80%. Inverted Santa at 10%. Regular santa at 10%.
    - H'ween Mask box - Red h'ween at 5%, Blue h'ween at 5%, Green h'ween at 5%, Black h'ween at 85%.
    - Sythe
    - Sled

    Feel free to suggest more things that could be added to the shop. Obviously the rare box's/item's would have a high price. E.g. Phat box = 20k boss slayer points etc.

    NOTE: What happens to raid items it up to Palidino, i made this thread to give him some ideas of what players want. Hence the poll.
    Last edited by Oi Lollipop; 01-19-2018 at 12:45 PM.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Both have their down sides.
    If converted to boss points - would screw up the value for everything that's on boss slayer shop. Also, the rewards doesn't seem good, because we kinda would want to get rid of some money, not create new ways to obtain items that basically are a converted version of money (color partyhats)
    If made untradeable - nothing really changes and raids are significantly less popular due to almost everyone already having the items, which would only screw over the new players, because obtaining the items from raids are gonna be much, much harder.

    If you wanna go hard at this - remove the items completely and replace them with some cash (discussable amount, but around 500-800m imo)

  3. Offline
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphis View Post
    Both have their down sides.
    If converted to boss points - would screw up the value for everything that's on boss slayer shop. Also, the rewards doesn't seem good, because we kinda would want to get rid of some money, not create new ways to obtain items that basically are a converted version of money (color partyhats)
    If made untradeable - nothing really changes and raids are significantly less popular due to almost everyone already having the items, which would only screw over the new players, because obtaining the items from raids are gonna be much, much harder.

    If you wanna go hard at this - remove the items completely and replace them with some cash (discussable amount, but around 500-800m imo)
    Every way has a down side.
    I mainly made this thread for suggestions and ideas so that Palidino knows what his players want. Btw if you turn it to cash, it should be street price e.g Tbow = 1.2-4b cash.
    This way new players who recently bought their raid items receive the amount of gold that they would've gotten if they sold it.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    There needs to be some of the other options mentioned in the other threads such as make the raid gained items have a different tag elite tag and allow us the option of choosing to trade our raid items as opposed to no choice or into something untradeable like whats a person gonna do with duplicate items. Add more options please.

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    In my opinion both of those options suck. I've played this server for many years and I have seen some mistakes and bad decisions by pali and seen the server get destroyed and go down the drain. (even I quit for a very long time). If raid items get taken away from everyone then very very many people will quit (including me) and so many people will be extremely mad. I like the idea of adding the new random boxes because I wan't rares to be more apart of the server. Please be very careful with this because it can end very badly if approached wrongly. I am ok with changing the slayer rewards and leaving them to be given out through raids, but DO NOT REVERT THEM BACK TO BOSS SLAYER POINTS OR TAKE THEM FROM PEOPLE'S BANK. The server will die if that is done.

  6. Offline
    Dec 2017
    Dunno why people have it in their heads, he won't remove current raid item's. He hasn't even mentioned anything. People won't lose their raid item's it'll just get removed from the shop.

  7. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    No change is definitely an option that can't just be left out.

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jan 2018
    i like the sound of the unique items i don't think the boss slayer points should be changed it gives people a reason to want to grind slayer,

  9. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Argurzil View Post
    Dunno why people have it in their heads, he won't remove current raid item's. He hasn't even mentioned anything. People won't lose their raid item's it'll just get removed from the shop.
    This! Don't see where all the panic comes from all of a sudden.

  10. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Because of things said in SB, because of dialog in the De Wae thread in feedback and suggestions, and because of things like this poll. The higher staff that are vocal for the most part are for the removal of raid items/reset or whatever. Pali when ready needs to make an official poll and this one, imo, needs to be removed in part due to its lack of options. Civilized dialog is great, forum activity is up I assume so thats always a plus. Getting people involved and thinking also is a good thing

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    This! Don't see where all the panic comes from all of a sudden.

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