1. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    Then make the suggestion in the proper place to not have the same task B2b. The proper place is the server suggestion thread Pali does read those suggestions.
    Actually we prefer new threads for suggestions, makes our SEO better, and our site will be easier to find on google.
    And also helps pali to keep up with what he has seen and what not etc.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I give them to my close friends usually, returning old players and so forth typically. Sold one recently but thats a rare thing. Also you can skip a boss task for free if you got it before game midnight and havent tried to do it after midnight. So say you get a wildy task at 11:58 game time you can skip it for free, two min later, by just asking for another task like you dont have one.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I give them to my close friends usually, returning old players and so forth typically. Sold one recently but thats a rare thing. Also you can skip a boss task for free if you got it before game midnight and havent tried to do it after midnight. So say you get a wildy task at 11:58 game time you can skip it for free, two min later, by just asking for another task like you dont have one.
    I heard about that, but didn't know how to do it. Thanks.
    BTW, I'm an OG player, I played back when this domain name was palidino.com lol.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Well that news to me the last time I was told to put them there as suggested on the server suggestion thread as a place pali can go to to know immediately what needs to be done and not have to peruse the forum. Sigh.... Maybe that needs to be removed then? I stand corrected makes me no difference either way

    Quote Originally Posted by Miika View Post
    Actually we prefer new threads for suggestions, makes our SEO better, and our site will be easier to find on google.
    And also helps pali to keep up with what he has seen and what not etc.

  5. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    Well that news to me the last time I was told to put them there as suggested on the server suggestion thread as a place pali can go to to know immediately what needs to be done and not have to peruse the forum. Sigh.... Maybe that needs to be removed then? I stand corrected makes me no difference either way
    The rule should be changed so the small suggestions go in the megathread and bigger ones go under seperated threads.

  6. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    The rule should be changed so the small suggestions go in the megathread and bigger ones go under seperated threads.
    This is a good idea.

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Its subjective really. Whats small to some people might be important to others. Like my hunter fix request that Pali told me to post here in the server suggestion thread because he said he looks at them before he works on updates. Probably not a big thing to most people but important to me and others going for 200m.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    The rule should be changed so the small suggestions go in the megathread and bigger ones go under seperated threads.

  8. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    Its subjective really. Whats small to some people might be important to others. Like my hunter fix request that Pali told me to post here in the server suggestion thread because he said he looks at them before he works on updates. Probably not a big thing to most people but important to me and others going for 200m.
    If you can explain your suggestion in one sentence, it should be in the megathread. If it requires multiple lines of text or media, it should be in seperated thread.
    My opinion.

  9. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Ih Lordy I dont think i typically make a one line suggestion unless it was already discussed with Pali. Verbosity is my downfall chatty Kathy I am.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    If you can explain your suggestion in one sentence, it should be in the megathread. If it requires multiple lines of text or media, it should be in seperated thread.
    My opinion.

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