1. INFERNO FIXES FOR ACB. [includes video of killing zuk with acb welfare gear]  - 01-15-2018 #1

    Oct 2017
    At the moment inferno is pretty hard with acb because of jad healer bug. The healers usually spawn behind jad instead of in front of him. They should spawn infront everytime like in 07. Sometimes 1 or 2 of the healers aggro on u without you having to attack them which helps a little but its not consistant. Having to attack the healers with a ACB will make ur character run off miles from the wall just to be able to hit one. I believe u dont even need to aggro the healers if using a tbow because of how much better it is compared to a crossbow.

    Tips if using a ACB: After the first range & mage faze u will want to get zuk to about 481-600ish hp [not below 480] and then just running the wall till a new faze of the range and mage spawn, then kill both of them and damage zuk to below 480hp to make the jad spawn. If u dont wait for the 2nd range & mage faze u will most likely have them spawn while u are still killing jad. [ NOTE TO PALADINO : if the ranger & mager spawn while jad is alive they bug out and spawn on the wrong spots. This has to be fixed asap.] After killing jad get zuk to about 281-350hp and wait for the 3rd range & mage faze to spawn and kill them. After that damage zuk below 280hp and kill his healers. You might need to kill one more mage & range form after that or atleast kill the ranger and tank the mager while finishing off zuk.

    You should use the VIAL MOVEMENT mechanic that i use to know where to shoot and stand. This helps so much and is 100% accurate if done correctly.

    Zuk with acb vid:

    Last edited by The Ironest; 01-15-2018 at 06:09 PM.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    For the love of God how many times are you going to keep claiming

    Good progress, now do the real thing. Good thing you now manage to do it with cbow. Spawn thing bug will be something patched soon I hope.
    Last edited by Tim; 01-15-2018 at 06:12 PM.

  3. Offline
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    For the love of God how many times are you going to keep claiming

    Good progress, now do the real thing. Good thing you now manage to do it with cbow. Spawn thing bug will be something patched soon I hope.
    Jad healers on zuk are meant to be spawned infront of jad so u can manage to attack them without running miles from the wall. [FOOTAGE from 07: https://gyazo.com/d083129844b5874f864bf9b9b8e46b91 ] Jad healers everywere else but in zuk spawn randomly i believe. They made it like that so u dont have to run off the wall and get hit by the boss.

    ADD: The jad healer ''bug'' has been the biggest problem i have had trying to do the zuk with a cbow. It is the only reason it is hard imo. Managing to bolt 3 healers while running with the wall like this : https://gyazo.com/f2d88755ee0a93b2d04eb71a558dbe5e . WITHOUT tanking a boss hit is very very hard. Its no problem if using a tbow cause u dont actually even have to hit the healers, but crossbows are a lot lower dps and the jad will tank the hits with the healers otherwise.
    Last edited by The Ironest; 01-15-2018 at 06:24 PM.

  4. Offline
    Jan 2017
    What I did on Jad: I switched on robes and barraged the jad once. It aggro's all of the healers.

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