1. Offline
    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    Allow for players to have all capitalized chars in their name ingame.

    flippers to vote shop or add the npc that drops the hat and flippers *I gotchu nipplesey* Shoutout to my homie.

    Finish the rooftop agility

    Dragon battleaxe special (still not added idk why)

    Add bones to peaches tabs to mage shop or gen shop or even to Kolodian.

    Rc + ZMI Altar

    Dwarf cannon + new update on it + granite balls.

    ring of nature, coins etc

    The rest of the skin colors, yellow purple etc..

    Forum shop addition - Pets for irl money; Chompy chick, herbi, pet penance queen, phoenix, tangleroot, willy cat. could add all of them/pet mystery box.

    BOSS SHOP REWORK (remove raid items + Possible reset on tbows etc.. exchange a mystery box that contains a chance at diff high tier items(the way Dan suggested is good) *BIG DISCUSSION*

    Dwarf cannon to boss shop 5k points total.

    - (name tbt) an item that has charges that you can toggle. (charged by vote ticks/boss points)*can only be used in pvm*
    - 10-20% damage increase to mage/range/melee in pvm for 30 min(time can be polled)
    - No damage for 2-5 min. *PVM* maybe a little too op, need more suggestions
    - Gain prayer points equal to 5% of any damage you receive (zammy gwd, etc.)
    For this idea, could use a lot more uses but I can't think of anymore.

    Add bonecrusher

    - Bonecrusher is actually way more useful than you would think.

    A lot of slayer monsters are currently killed in the catacombs.
    If you bury bones in the catacombs, you will restore prayer points.

    This mechanic combined with automatic burying from the bonecrusher is insanely useful because it allows you to do an entire slayer task without using any prayer potions.

    Chaotics (big debate) Wouldn't be as op because there is no ss, turm and ovls. (could just do rapier and longsword)

    - Since you can add models and stuff although you have to adjust them a bit, maybe bring in chaotics to add to the boss shop to replace raid items.

    10 Bond = Donator rank.
    30 Bond = Super Donator rank.
    90 Bond = Extreme Donator rank.
    270 Bond = Legendary Donator rank.
    400 Bond = Ultimate Donator Rank.
    650 Bond = Uber Donator Rank.
    800 Bond = Immortal Donator Rank.
    1250 Bond = Supreme Donator Rank.

    Or do what like 99% of other servers do, have the forum shop with 100+ items, items cost 50 donator tokens all the way up to 10k. Instead of bonds to get a rank, you could buy it as well as an other option, then we would have to decide a bunch of benefits. There is a big list I can provide we can rip it off other sites bits by bit

    Could also add discontinued items for irl money, random cosmetic stuff, even if it doesn't sell at least it fills the forum shop up and looks decent.
    Last edited by M N M; 01-15-2018 at 03:38 PM.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jul 2017
    omggg yessss!!! Please please please to all of those suggestions^^ @ M N M as well as gnome scarf though please

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Yesss capital characters in name ingame bring it back / chaotics for sure sometime in the future maybe when raids is finished

  4. Offline
    The best Bob
    Jan 2017
    all awesome suggestions. Chaotics is something i would look forward to and enjoyed on past versions. Donation ranks would also be pretty cool to see in game.

  5. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Personally i:
    - Don't like chaotics
    - Don't like donator ranks, all tough they are being debated.
    - RC=KMS

    Besides those i have these ideas:

    Prayer burying could be something to add alongside the new necklace from DS 2. ( http://oldschoolrunescape.wikia.com/...nbone_necklace )
    Boss shop needs to be reworked as raids is coming our way.
    Dwarf cannon/skin colors a donator feature?

    A different idea i have for a new donator feature may be making untradables not be lost but only break under 40 wild instead of 20 it is currently at. Might be a usefull feature for if you are at like revs etc. I do think this might work but if u lose untradables in the 20-40 wild bracket i suggest a higher fee to repair them.

    You cannot instantly delete items from accounts, people worked really hard to obtain them and because they are BIS there is no decent refund possible IMO. I get that it is annoying the items are already in-game but don't see a way to fix this without any harm.
    Pay2win is a harsh decision, but maybe it can work in some way along the lines of cosmetics or pets - which don't automatically make you rich.

    Other suggestions seem fine, support!
    Last edited by Tim; 01-14-2018 at 06:24 AM.

  6. Offline
    Dec 2017
    He can't just reset tbow's it's the majority of some peoples bank, you think they won't quit if you remove their items, They've spent their time to get them so why should they risk losing them. He can't just add a makeshift shop with items which will eventually get reset because raids aren't ready. Tbow's aren't exactly cheap either so i don't see a reason to reset them.

    Really no point in chaotic's, devalues Items like toxic staff of dead, Elder maul, arcane, occult, acb etc. These item's are very similar to chaotic's.

    Don't care for donator ranks

    The rest seems reasonable
    Last edited by Zhang Xiu; 01-14-2018 at 06:29 AM.

  7. Offline
    Jul 2017
    in terms of pet. i think grinding is the best way to go. instead of easily getting it by paying irl money.

  8. Offline
    Super Donator
    May 2017
    I wouldn’t like chaotics but that’s me personally and if he added them it wouldn’t be the end of the world. I love the bone crusher/prayer point thing. I wouldn’t like the irl money for pets thing, kinda ruins the achievement of the pet. I really would like to see dwarf cannon implemented soon. And like everyone else said you can’t just remove tbows from people, that’s one of the most expensive items in game, would lose a lot of members of the community doing that. I don’t think donator ranks would be great, i like how it is setup now, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    no one is taking away my raids items. mnm you dont play so you wont care but other will certainly care if you take away their banks and as argurzil said tbow is alot so it would be dumb to take them away, if tbow was worthless then it would be a reason to take them away.only bad thing i can think if person would have multiple tbow etc, but you can stop that when there is stakers so there will always be person with multiple priceless items since they can stake and keep doubling

  10. Offline
    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    I have claws, elder mauls all that good stuff, I do care if it gets taken away but that's not the case as Dan said, if you had a tbow, you would get a box that would most likely give you an ely or items close to the value of the tbow or some sort of way, like I said it's just a suggestion because as other people said, raids will be dead after a day or 2 because there is so many raid items ingame already that you can just buy whenever, only way to get rid of this problem is if we had a large wave of people come on but that ain't gonna happen. I've been thinking of a solution to make everyone happy but it's very difficult as he took long to release raids and people just pvm all day for the items.

    The chaotic thing, we could probably get a rapier, without SS, overloads and turmoil, they wouldn't be that much better from a whip, just a tad more accurate. But yea just a little suggestion if people would like. It would be like a zammy hasta but a sword.

    For the irl shop thing, what i'd like to see is something like this

    multiple options to buy certain items, ya it would be somewhat useless to have like untradeables and other stuff but people pay for that.
    Not talking about putting every single pet, maybe just like 4 unique ones, for example, herbi, chompy chick and the others ones we cannot get from pvm/skilling.
    He could probably even make a custom pet, shrink down an npcs etc, would be cool. If it was easy and he had time, he could even sell custom pets lol, shrink down a wise old man, sell it for $50, ez moni
    Back when we had 220+ on, 1 guy buy over 2k bonds, I think it was like 2577 or something like that, prob more.
    We need to find a different path to get money, as pali stated bond purchases are low af atm. Need more Ideas D:

    Also cannon should be donator, prob add to a donator shop plus other items, wouldn't want some guy to make 20 accs and flood and area with them.
    Last edited by M N M; 01-14-2018 at 10:17 AM.

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