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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Raids will not be guaranteed dead with certainty. The items ppl already have need to stay with them. With the continued influx of ppl, esp new ppl which is increasing steadily, and with the addition of raids, we will have many more players further diluting the perceived overages we have of raid weapons if they are simply removed once another way to get them is available. Offer the boxes as a choice not as this is your only option sorry about the hours you played, irl money you spent on bonds and so forth that many have to get their op items. As far as a random box thing, I have 8 Bss, 1 arcane and 1 spect from the random corp shield box. I get its random and all that and that was my CHOICE but take someones tbow and give them a box that shits on them because its random would suck. You will get a few random players that get fairly compensated even though they might not want it or you get unhappy guaranteed ppl.
    Chaotics not a fan of.

    Love having a cannon here and other items that we get drops for that are useless.

    Rcing please, as well as construction and farming. We haven't had a new skill released in a while and that will generate more money dumps for those that buy their 99s.

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    Junior Member
    Jan 2018
    I think chaotics would be a great addition as well as an update on the forums shop.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    I think everyone is against the idea of donator ranks because it's never been a feature on Battle-Scape for in-game. I think we should try to at least mould around what other successful servers have if we want a shot at having a decent playerbase again.

    Great suggestions. I miss BS3 the most tbh so chaotics/ss etc would be nice but I don't think it would fit in the current server well.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I think if added it needs to be optional some ppl might not want to be recognized

    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    I think everyone is against the idea of donator ranks because it's never been a feature on Battle-Scape for in-game. I think we should try to at least mould around what other successful servers have if we want a shot at having a decent playerbase again.

  5. Offline
    Oct 2017
    I like all the ideas and support most of them.

    Just like No1sangel said, if you give the player a random box and it shits on them they would most likely just quit.

    As for chaotics that would just ruin the server IMO because it would downgrade the price of whip and tentacle even further.

    The donator ranks would be a good addition to the server. Rich people who don't PVM anymore and don't use the benefits of gold membership would maybe like a nice symbol next to their name. You should make a poll for this tbh.
    Last edited by Oi Lollipop; 01-16-2018 at 01:55 PM.

  6. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    It's a gamble. If they can't fathom the fact that getting an amazing reward has a very low chance of happening then good riddance. Don't need whiney little bitches here. Can just imagine it, you've seen it before with staking.

    "omfg fix combat" or they report the other person for cheating. So childish when people cannot comprehend gambling.
    In that case they're forced to gamble as they had that item before, but it was replaced with a mystery box. If people want to gamble they'll need to live with the result, but it's different when they're forced for it.

    Add donator ranks without benefits, if some people want to donate to have icon next to their name then let them have it. I've never understood that, but lots of people do.

    Also wouldn't hurt to have some rank PiPs on the forums too. (For all staff members, donators and maybe even add rank for veterans too...?)
    Last edited by Banned 42; 01-16-2018 at 04:31 PM.

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    It's a gamble. If they can't fathom the fact that getting an amazing reward has a very low chance of happening then good riddance. Don't need whiney little bitches here. Can just imagine it, you've seen it before with staking.

    "omfg fix combat" or they report the other person for cheating. So childish when people cannot comprehend gambling.
    This is something i disagree on, you take away hours of work etc with a randomized box that can give u a shit drop. Unfair imo. If this is what we want we should restart full eco for it to be most fair for everyone....

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeik View Post
    In that case they're forced to gamble as they had that item before, but it was replaced with a mystery box. If people want to gamble they'll need to live with the result, but it's different when they're forced for it.

    Add donator ranks without benefits, if some people want to donate to have icon next to their name then let them have it. I've never understood that, but lots of people do.
    ^Agree to the fullest.

    Its still a damn hard decision on Pali his side what he wants to do, its good that we have a discussion thread like this so a lot of people can share their views and idea's.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Its still a damn hard decision on Pali his side what he wants to do
    It really isn't

  9. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I don’t play so maybe my option doesn’t matter, but donator ranks is the dumbest suggestion that gets posted here every couple of years. Next we will have YouTube ranks in the game chat.

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    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    I don’t play so maybe my option doesn’t matter, but donator ranks is the dumbest suggestion that gets posted here every couple of years. Next we will have YouTube ranks in the game chat.
    People pay for it, it would be dumb not to add it. There is no other way of income so he can't spend a lot to advertise, pretty much no choice.

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