Originally Posted by
1st, A spec restorer, health box at clanwars.
2nd, Working bank at fight caves.
3rd, Visible donator ranks ingame, Regular, Super, Elite, Uber etc.
4th, Donator-zone with harmless or afk npc's, thieving stall with some extra gaining gp.
5th, Max hit dummy at home for pkers to be aware of their max hit.
6th, Activating ::Yell command for donators, if your not a donator u need 100 kills to unlock the ::Yell command etc.
7th, Zooming in & out with mouse instead of setting tab.
8th, Maybe buff upp Blowpipe's speccial attack, and the accuracy of Dragon Claws concider it beeing worth over 200m but haven't hit a 20+ yet, while ags 60m hitting constant 50's.
9th, Npc/minigame teleport in mage book instead of talking to wizard would be awsome.
10th, Pking bots.
11th, Custom made minigames that u can enter and win big prices from.
12th, Buff Zamorakian Spear a little bit, hitting constant 0-10's.
13th, i hate this one but more customs, stratedgy used by alot of owners/developers to attrackt more players etc: gambler/stakers, and will help the server grow beacuse when the description in topG :Etc: says "pking bots" over 200 Npc's & customs" All things a Rsps should have is inclouded like if a pvmer sees in the desription that it is a pk server he would join but now when its a wariety of everything he have a reason to join! right now this server is 99% pvm based, A pker wouldn't join the server but with theese stuff added and the description changed im pretty sure it would happend. Unless he doesn't know the wae!
14th, beeing able to open forumd directly ingame ::forums, beeing able to open threads directly ingame ::thread 2341 etc,