Add farming so we can make pots and shit lol. Raids wont work without being able to make shit. It's farming, not rocket science. It's 2018 too.
Shamans - Way too many shamans. we did a 2-man raid and got like 8 shamans. Then after we killed them all we just got looked into the same shaman room (where the shamans were dead) every time we entered the next door. Had to relog to end the raid.
Multi-zones are fucked up. Some places where it says multi, only one person can attack the monster. This happened in several room.
Couldnt pick up the loot from the guy that repairs his blade on the anvil because the square the loot was on was nulled or some shit.
The room with the 3 little shits that you need to have withinj 30% health of eachother also has the multi-zone bug along with the room just randomly getting nulled. Couldnt finish it and couldnt enter next door, hard to ragequit the raids to go ride this thread.
The minimap is wrong when it comes to what next room is.