That's so fucking hot, great update!
Add the agility lvl requirement for the shortcut @revs. Do the same for all the other shortcuts in the wilderness.
I have a strong feeling you will need to nerf those items lmao. I'm no expert in pking, but that shit sounds OP af, especially the staff.
Already realised that adding the weapons is a fail.
1. Close to being dead content because of the only-in-wildy use.
2. The weapons are overpowered as fuck, screws up the pvp experience and only empowers more the team that camps the revs.
3. Owned by the only team we have in game. On osrs you can at least hop worlds, nothing you can do here with an alt account sitting at each entrance and 8 accounts camping the revs.
The fact that there's only 3 actual weapons, where atleast 1 of them (hammer) is useless because its sole purpose on rs was to drain corps defence is ridiculous.. Nor is vls or the staff overpowered. Vls has a low max hit compared to ags and claws. The fact that he only made 4 possible unique drops, which all is not best in slot for anything as it can only be used in wild is ridiculous. Its going to be dead content in 2 days.