There is one issue to still be decided, and that is Zuriel's staff. Without the miasmic spells, the staff is pretty useless. Some possibilities include: all ancient spells max damage increased by 2 (miasmic barrage had a max hit +2 higher than ice barrage, miasmic blitz +2 higher than ice blitz, etc), and/or reducing the your opponent's melee and ranged attack speeds by 50% for the seconds associated with the equivalent spell (miasmic barrage was 48 seconds, so all barrage spells would be given 48 seconds, blitz 32 seconds, etc).
I suggest adding raid items to it with rare drop rate so it never becomes dead content. If you dont then it will probably be active for 3 days or so before people dont have a reason to go there anymore. Adding Raid items will be a motivation for people to go there, and will encourage them to go there. Maybe add a higher risk = higher drop rate type of thing also.
Imo you could add raid items to all boss drop tables with same rarity as pets. This would make those who has everything go bossing for a chance at a raid item. This includes everything from dragon harpoon to twisted bow tho. You can be lucky and hit the drop table but get a dragon harpoon instead of twisted bow.
Maybe add random item boxes to revenants aswell. Dont see how that could hurt,
Last thing; make rare shop 10x cheaper for hardcores. Noone will ever have enough money to buy any of the partyhats on hardcore mode with the current prices.