1. Offline
    Oct 2017
    May I add that I've seen many people that have stopped playing the server say they'd actually play again if the ancient mace was in the game..

    Subscribe to my Youtube Channel @ Beery73

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    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Potions wont make people PK, Pali has to up his advertise game and put in some money or more money into them.

    Still can't believe a server of this quality can't get over 100 players..

  3. Offline
    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Dark Soul View Post
    Potions wont make people PK, Pali has to up his advertise game and put in some money or more money into them.

    Still can't believe a server of this quality can't get over 100 players..
    He has contacted several in the last week and none have gotten back to him.

    You all act like Youtube gets players, its not true in all cases. Most accounts have bot subs, bot subs are not users, they will not come here and play the game.

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    Junior Member
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    He has contacted several in the last week and none have gotten back to him.

    You all act like Youtube gets players, its not true in all cases. Most accounts have bot subs, bot subs are not users, they will not come here and play the game.

    Not even talking about YouTube, and YouTube will get players..
    But I'm talking about RuneServer & all those rsps sites

  5. Offline
    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by A Dark Soul View Post
    Not even talking about YouTube, and YouTube will get players..
    But I'm talking about RuneServer & all those rsps sites
    We are on over 20+ different RSPS Sites.

    You can see 12 of them are on the Vote Page https://www.battle-scape.com/vote

  6. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Topic was about suggesting items that are missing for the pkers, this thread has reached 2 pages already and there's only one post that is on-topic. Please create seperated thread for discussion about playerbase if that's what you're concerned of.

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    Sep 2009
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    You all seem to think other servers are filled with PKers, why don't you read this thread.


  8. Offline
    Sep 2017
    I noticed one issue with pking on this server, Some of the people who have joined have asked where is the PK world, How do I spawn PK items. The way Pali has it worded is making less intelligent people think that there is a specific spawn world for pking or something on this server. So when they get told there is no pk world or spawn world or a way to spawn items they get all pissy and leave.

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    Junior Member
    Sep 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Brooksy View Post
    I noticed one issue with pking on this server, Some of the people who have joined have asked where is the PK world, How do I spawn PK items. The way Pali has it worded is making less intelligent people think that there is a specific spawn world for pking or something on this server. So when they get told there is no pk world or spawn world or a way to spawn items they get all pissy and leave.
    This is because the server appears to be spawn. This being because when you log in you can set your fucking stats to max which gives some false hope. They should revert this change and make it so you need to train again. Was a dumb idea in the first place

  10. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by KyleCx View Post
    This is because the server appears to be spawn. This being because when you log in you can set your fucking stats to max which gives some false hope. They should revert this change and make it so you need to train again. Was a dumb idea in the first place
    I can actually agree with this. Make the xp rates as high like they used to be for combat so people can train and get to pk in no time. The ability to set stats is quite cheap on economy server.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    You all seem to think other servers are filled with PKers, why don't you read this thread.

    The problem is almost on every single economy server. The problem in BS is that the active players don't pk so often, most of them pvm. When new player join who's interests are based on pking and see that edge is empty, he will most likely keep looking for other server to play. If there was even a few pking most of the times, the story would be different.
    Last edited by Banned 42; 12-17-2017 at 12:45 AM.

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