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  1. Couple Small Suggestions  - 12-10-2017 #1

    Mar 2017
    1.) ability to trade in marks of grace for agility xp? maybe 500-1k xp per mark of grace? after you have a graceful set there's really not much use to keeping the marks, especially now that you have a chance of getting some amylase while doing the courses

    2.) add coal bag

    3.) add daily objectives? complete all 3 (or however many) for a random clue scroll, xp lamp (for non-combat skills), a free boss task skip scroll, etc. not sure on the prizes, but there's a ton of opportunities for the objectives

    4.) absorption pots don't work in MA2

    5.) implement this: Certain items (mostly limited to rare monster drops) can be exchanged for x currency based on OSRS GE value, similiar to how coins are exchanged 1K to 1 for platinum tokens.
    from the original post about rares/plat tokens, maybe at a set rate per item that is slightly below market value so players will still attempt to sell the items to players before exchanging. ex. an item worth 10m will exchange for 8k-9k tokens rather than the 10k you'd get from exchanging coins. alternatively, maybe a shop for buying the items for coins for the same exchange rate above, for getting rid of item drops accumulated that don't sell often

    6.) option in the GE screen that shows you the average price of the last 5 transactions for that item. ex. last 5 ags sold for 50m, 60m, 60m, 55m, 70m it'd say "Recent Average Price: 59m" or something to that effect. a lot of people over-sell in GE and it creates a lot of dispute about prices pretty much daily. this would help newer players with prices and it would clarify prices in general for everyone

    7.) ability to trade emblems for gp or blood money, would give more players initiative to PK.

    8.) add bar box/herb box/etc. to pest control rewards

    9.) cash rewards for clan wars tourney aren't what they say they are in the menu. also, if you play on full screen the countdown when in the match (the 1 min. grace period) is partially covered up by the map orb.

    10.) xp drops in the clan wars tourney? normal accounts can set their stats anyhow, the xp drops would aid in timing for specs/ko weapons

    11.) when you leave a clan wars tourney you have to relog to reset HP. it stays at the level that the tourney was set to, and if you use the pool/eat food to heal it doesn't. you need to relog to be able to restore HP

    12.) if nobody is in a bank/shop screen inside the clan wars lobby, skip the extra 1 minute to look over items. if someone is in a bank/shop screen, the extra minute would be given

    all i can think of for right now, if i think of more i'll edit. constructive criticism?
    Last edited by gilroy; 12-12-2017 at 10:08 PM.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Great additions, not sure about the 5th point, does it cope with fluctuations?

    - add new mage arena max capes

  3. Offline
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Great additions, not sure about the 5th point, does it cope with fluctuations?

    - add new mage arena max capes
    yes i agree with the max capes. and i feel like if coupled with the 6th point it would be pretty accurate, prices don't fluctuate too wildly but maybe if both were added there could be an automatic update to the item-token conversions maybe once a week?

  4. Offline
    Oct 2017
    All of them especially #3 is good

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