1. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    You're right I'm a skiller glad you noticed

    The only areas on this server that have maintained any sort of regular pvp activity as long as I played were edgeville, dareeyak and wests. All of which are instant tele in and out. that's why I can't see this being good for the server as while you may run into other deep pkers from time to time, it would primarily be used to target pvmers, this is why the bounty location system had a toggle added, to prevent this from happening.

  2. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Going to say no go for this one.

    Pali changed the counter to show exactly how many are in the wild so that pvmers have a little bit more of a chance. Putting a heat map would make that change pointless

  3. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    You're right I'm a skiller glad you noticed

    The only areas on this server that have maintained any sort of regular pvp activity as long as I played were edgeville, dareeyak and wests. All of which are instant tele in and out. that's why I can't see this being good for the server as while you may run into other deep pkers from time to time, it would primarily be used to target pvmers, this is why the bounty location system had a toggle added, to prevent this from happening.
    you're not supposed to be safe in the wilderness it's the wilderness for a reason

    maybe if you logged in every once in a while (never seen you online) you'd know that wests and dareeyak aren't the most active spots and haven't been for months

  4. Offline
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    I don't see any benefit in adding this outside of hunting pvmers? Only use I could see for this would be large scale clanning but even then it's better for your location to be unknown.

    Feel free to explain why this would be good for the server
    this tbh, it's really just for finding pvmers it seems. it'd be cool to have though, i've done a shit ton of wildy tasks without seeing a single pker it's almost too easy. it could make the wild more active

  5. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    As if pvmers don't have it hard enough lmao

    I thought the concept of this was cool, just as data though. Not to use as a tool.

  6. Offline
    Jan 2017
    If the heatmap won't be implemented, atleast implement amount of players in the wilderness on quest tab. People who come up with "check the pking spots" have no clue what's going on with the server, maybe more activity is more necessary before coming to give opinions here.

    What you don't notice is that the very limited amount of pkers we have are leaving the server, due to the fact that they're wasting their time most likely when they go anywhere in the wilderness.

  7. Offline
    Sep 2016
    That would be nice

    Real eyes realise real lies

  8. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    As if pvmers don't have it hard enough lmao

    I thought the concept of this was cool, just as data though. Not to use as a tool.
    Nobody is forcing them to go into the wilderness.

  9. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    While that's a point, making it very easy to track pvmers doesn't encourage pkers to fight other pkers, it encourages pkers to hunt pvmers for money and then wait untill another easy kill presents itself, I was very active a few months ago when we had the exact same problem with the old target system and real-time wilderness population readout. That's why I don't think this system is healthy for either pvp or pvm activity, as the few pvpers that are active would likely be less active in roaming the wilderness looking for fights, and for obvious reasons why it isn't good for pvmers (who are the main population of the server currently, something that shouldn't be ignored).

    If you're new to the server it's worth considering the opinions of those who are more experienced.

  10. Offline
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    While that's a point, making it very easy to track pvmers doesn't encourage pkers to fight other pkers, it encourages pkers to hunt pvmers for money and then wait untill another easy kill presents itself, I was very active a few months ago when we had the exact same problem with the old target system and real-time wilderness population readout. That's why I don't think this system is healthy for either pvp or pvm activity, as the few pvpers that are active would likely be less active in roaming the wilderness looking for fights, and for obvious reasons why it isn't good for pvmers (who are the main population of the server currently, something that shouldn't be ignored).

    If you're new to the server it's worth considering the opinions of those who are more experienced.
    I'm ex-owner of big server from the past years and I've pked since '06. From that I can say I'm experienced with Runescape & the private servers.
    You're not aware of the current situation, wilderness activity has been dying more and more within the time and many active & old players who pk have left the server due to that. That's the main reason why the flow of new players is VERY low and that will not change if the wilderness doesn't stay active.

    I have tested the wilderness slayer & bossing and never gotten killed doing that or even close. Could easily do hours and hours without problems. If you constantly die to people in the wilderness, it's your own lack of intelligence.

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