Zulrah added!
Added the ring of suffering (i) to the vote shop with the ring of recoil effect added to it.
Antidote++'s added to the general store.
Zulrah's scales can be added to antidotes to make anti-venom potions.
Increased Slayer monster drop rates from x4 to x6.
Increased Slayer XP by 50%.
Client scaling: ::scale # (try 1.25 and work your way up), ::scale-smooth, and ::scale-fast (now works).
Increased exchange prices of some rings.
Increased the seers ring stats to match OSRS.
Increased Slayer points to x2 or x3 for GM.
Added loot messages to the Corporeal beast.
Fixed SOTD special attack not resetting when unequipped.
Fixed the regular Slayer helmet (i).
Fixed loadouts.
Fixed Miles.
Fixed imbued ring protection values.
Fixed joining a finished war.
Fixed being able to sometimes join a deathmatch war after the countdown.
Fixed the wilderness level staying on the screen when you leave the wild with a target.
Fixed equipping the zombie head.
Fixed selling items to the general store with a full inventory.
Fixed the vote message only appearing once.
Update #2
Raised Zulrah drop rates from x1.5 to x2.
Fixed a case where Zulrah instances show other players.
Fixed snakeling accuracy and defence.
Fixed Zulrah not venoming players.
Fixed snakelings/gas not disappearing when Zulrah dies.
Fixed Zulrah loot broadcasts.
Fixed an issue with teleporting out of a Zulrah instance.
Fixed an issue with null inventory/bank slots.