1. About Feedback and Suggestions section  - 11-09-2017 #1

    Jan 2017
    Yes, this thread should be in the "Feedback and Suggestions" section too, but let's start conversation about it on here.

    In my opinion we should get rid of these server suggestion megathreads, or atleast be allowed to post seperated threads for bigger suggestions.
    Having it all on the same thread really make's it all look messy as most of the forum users don't use quotes when replying. Having seperated threads would be beneficial for the SEO as well.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Pali doesn't log in enough. Easier to sort through one thread vs 20 threads and only 2 of them have decent suggestions but their burried behind bad ones. Also it seems only a few people come up with suggestions. Might be easier for them if they all converse in one thread as well. Although, a good to do mod/overseer would be gathering good suggestions and compiling them in staff section. In short though, I agree looks dumb.
    Last edited by RJ; 11-09-2017 at 01:35 PM. Reason: God damn siri

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    When it's moderated and kept well, it's great. I'll admit I've let it go for a bit and I usually update it monthly instead, I'll try to keep on top of it.

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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by RJ View Post
    Pali doesn't log in enough. Easier to sort through one thread vs 20 threads and only 2 of them have decent suggestions but their burried behind bad ones. Also it seems only a few people come up with suggestions. Might be easier for them if they all converse in one thread as well. Although, a good to do mod/overseer would be gathering good suggestions and compiling them in staff section. In short though, I agree looks dumb.
    Well, what it seems to me is that Palidino is a lot more active than the developers/owners on the other servers and he reacts with the community. I've been in the other side of the table as well and I know that it's not always so easy to find the time to do that.
    This is view from a new user though, I haven't been here for long. I only "know" Palidino through his reputation in these circles.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    You are definitely right about everything being confined to one thread being not as good for SEO.

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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    You are definitely right about everything being confined to one thread being not as good for SEO.
    Another downside for having it all in one thread is that it doesn't go side-to-side with the vB's searching tool.
    Let's say that I want to suggest dragonfire shield charging to be implemented. First I want to see if it's suggested already, so I use the search bar with keywords "Dragonfire shield charging"
    Now what I open is the megasuggestion thread and have to go through all the pages to see if the suggestion actually is what I've been thinking.

    This would be okay if vB supported jumping into specific post in a thread.

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