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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Few things:

    Rogues chest: how does 25-125 BM per thieve, and 16K coins for normal mode and 8K coins for hardcore and ironman sound?
    Wilderness barrows: any input on opening this back up to ironman and hardcore? One of the issues with it before was that barrows items, in general, had too high of a drop rate, which was tweaked at the same time/after wilderness barrows were restricted to normal mode only.
    Agility course: how much BM per lap?
    Fishing: should fishing give BM? Keep in mind at this very moment there are currently three locations for dark crabs and anglerfish.

    Also, I'm not sure why monster aggression keeps getting brought up. Last I checked, having a combat level x2 + 1 only applies OUTSIDE of the wilderness. This is why bats and the low-level wizards in osrs, and even Edgeville skeletons, attack everyone.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    How fast is thieving the chests? if the amount is that low I assume the rate that you can thieve is fast.
    - Add possibility for high-tier gems such as Zenyte or Onyx

    As for wilderness barrows for ironmen you could decrease the rate the keys are dropped and slightly increase the rate you get items through the keys themselves, I personally have no trouble going to do regular barrows for tasks, though they were in the wilderness for that high-risk high-reward type set
    - Increase supplies from sinister keys
    - Increase chance of Barrows items
    - Maybe add a 3 item limit to attack them (decrease the amount of 1 itemers
    This will bring PKers back to the hot spot because they know it is actually worth it to go there, as well as actual players who just want to finish their tasks faster.

    The wilderness course could have 100-150 blood money per action on the course with a completion bonus at the end of around 300-500

    The fishing of Anglerfish could be doubled, lets say around 2 per catch instead of just one (maybe add cooked anglerfish to the blood money shop for normal users)
    - Turning in un-noted RAW Anglerfish would give you blood money. Lets say around 50-100 per fish

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    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Fishing: should fishing give BM? Keep in mind at this very moment there are currently three locations for dark crabs and anglerfish.
    I don't know about these three locations, but I think that dark crabs should be removed from the shop and made to be optainable from the resource arena in the wilderness. This way fishing there would be rewarding and would active deep wilderness a bit more.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Agility course: how much BM per lap?
    Wilderness agility course is already good xp, so I think small reward of blood money would be reasonable. Like 10 as example?

    -Add multiplier to the blood money for pking in +30 wilderness. There's always risk on pking in deep as it's obviously harder to escape and you always lose your untradeables on death.
    -Remove the teleports to the deserted keep and mage bank. It's not realistic that you can teleport straight to the safe part of mage bank without going through edge/ardy lever. This would make some traffic out there.
    -Add delay on opening/closing the gate in front of the KBD lair. Currently it's impossible to go through the gate if there's someone closing the gate while you try to open it and run through. Not sure what is done differently in osrs, but I have escaped many clans on there. On Battlescape it is impossible if there's one guy spamming the gate.

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