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There's been talks about how to revive normal mode and this server in general. I have an idea that i think would work well.
Seeing as 07 has been out for a long time, most people have maxed 07 accounts by now. This means there's no reason for people to play an 07 based private server. Besides, 07 is not nostalgic anymore like it used to be.
To me, pre eoc is what's nostalgic. It's been many years since pre eoc was at its peak. I'd love to see some pre eoc content. The ideas i come up with will make it so no items are overpowered compared to the current 07 items.
Glacors and their boots. Add glacors with same slay req as cerberus, and only killable on task.
Steadfasts would have the same stats as primordials, and have to be used to d boots to be made into a full, wearable boot
Glavien boots would have same stats as pegasians, and would require ranger boots to be made into a full, wearable boot
Ragefire boots would have the same stats as eternal boots, and would require infinity boots to made into a full, wearable boot.
Ice strykeworms, only killable on task, same task length as dragons, drops staff of light
Staff of light gives same stats as staff of the dead, but can not have a magic fang attached to it, essentially making it worse than tsotd.
DUngeoneering and chaotics for pvm only?
Chatotic rapier would have same stats as abyssal bludgeon
CHaotic maul would have same stats as elder maul
CHaotic staff would have same magic bonus as toxic staff of the dead
Chaotic crossbow would have same stats as armadyl crossbow
CHaotic longsword, idk, dead content
Arcane stream necklace would be same stats as occult necklace, maybe slightly better
Korasi to chaos ele drop table
Revenant cave with revenants and their full drops (including corrupt and weapons).
Dagon'hai armour and the cave in lvl 5 edge wild or whatever it was
Tormented demons with dragon claws?
The elder third age mage robes from master clues
Cant think of more stuff atm, but please feel free to suggest tweaks or more stuff
Polypore and ganodermic, pvm only?
Potion flasks, pvm only?
Overloads pvm only
Saradomin amulets?