So every now and then a guy shows up asking for a full, economy or whatever reset with his opinions why.. Here is my suggestion.
What if we would reset/delete all the items that are used in PvP combat? Main focus is on AGS, maybe BGS, all barrows items (with the condition that they would be harder to get after the reset), SOTD, etc. This would affect only normal mode players.

Some points I would like to address few points:

-I'm pretty sure that 99% of the players wouldn't cry over if they would lose X amount of AGS', because even if they had like 20 godswords, they most likely also would have a few billion in cash and a few elys.
Unless we're talking about a few people who just started and got their first barrows sets, we wouldn't risk any player loss after this reset. Stakers would keep their bank, which usually consists of cash piles, elysians, bonds, etc. and those things would stay in their banks. Also, this wouldn't affect skillers/pvm'ers.
My only concern is towards newer players, the ones who have just gotten their first set of bandos or whatever. I'm almost certain that most of normal mode PvM'ers wouldn't really mind losing a few sets of bandos.

-This would pretty much just give people get back to PKing, because now you neither risk anything, nor gain anything. Pkers either are annoying the hell out of pvmers or they're doing dh/pure fights with no risk. The reset would give the items value and with that - pking (pker vs pker) would be more exciting and rewarding.

-This would really work well together with the upcoming OSRS update ( and also we wouldn't risk losing players as much as we would with a full reset/economy reset. Also, we wouldn't need to continue making PvM'ers/skillers the slaves of wilderness, because so far the efforts of trying to make pking more active by sacrificing the rest of the people haven't been successful.

Also, I'm too lazy to think of all the items that would be deleted, but if the majority of people like this idea - we can think of them later.

This is just an idea, would love to hear what you have to say about this. Additional changes to the suggestion are welcome.