1. About recent events in the CC 'The server reset discussion'.  - 10-23-2017 #1

    Apr 2017
    The server reset discussion

    Well, let's start off by saying I enjoy battlescape a lot. This server mechanics are well coded, everything works and the players are mostly kind. This game is without a doubt the best RSPS online at this moment. The only thing we're missing are players. Not the pvmers, because they're playing right now.

    In my opinion, I think we lost a lot of the players at the start of the game because the game was getting boring. This has been changed, and a lot of new content has been added into the game.

    I think we're now stranded here, with a playerbase of 50-200 because of one thing. The economy. This economy isn't bad at all, and is very well balanced. The only problem I see here is that the 'gamemode' went from A PVP based game (where items were very easely obtained) to a ECO based game (where items are less easely obtained). Because there was no fresh start inbetween these two gamemodes, the economy really suffered from it.

    Here are a few opinions from people I've seen ingame, also some facts that they state are correct.

    "It doesn't matter how much money there is in the game, the prices of items would just adapt!".

    -> Indeed, the amount of gold doesn't matter. Prices of items would indeed adapt to fit the economy. The problem is, that the money alone is not the problem. There's way to many items in the game, to fit between the amount of players. Let's say the 'armadyl godsword'. I wouldn't be surprised there's x3 the amount of those ingame then actual players. This is not the only item that works that way. There's ton of people with so many items.
    And in your eyes it might not seem so bad, but it doesn't mean of those players keep the items in their bank and never sell it it's not an issue.

    "What will happen to my progress? Have I done everything for nothing?"

    -> In my opinion, whatever you achieved should be given up without a problem for the good sake of the server + yourselves. A server reset could bring so much more fun and grinding into the game then it now has. Achieving items right now isn't really worth anything don't you think? It's a bad thing to so I understand, but I think this is the best thing to do at this moment.

    "A reset, what will happen then?"

    -> Nothing. A reset alone won't do anything at all. When you mix up a reset with some slight updates and a nice advertisement video made (I can provide you, at the cost of a few bonds) could really affect the playerbase a lot. I could get this video uploaded to some youtube channels that really attract the RSPS community.
    If the server is reset, and a countdown timer would be added the word could be spread. A server where everybody could go on and have fun like back in the days!

    "Why would this work, look at osscape and runite, they both failed?"

    -> Yes runite and osscape failed, just because of one thing. Effort from their owners. Runite failed because it was way to rushed. The server itself was a succes, over 500 players were online at release and it kept that rates for the first few days. Then it died out because of the lack of updates and content. There was barely any communication between the coders and players. Also they released mystery boxes that completely ruined the economy aspect of the game. Next to TWO dupes found way to late and the owners didn't mention it came to the end of this story. Osscape got reset because the players asked for it, updates and more content were promised. But ofcourse wasn't delivered. This is why osscape is dying too.

    "Why would more people come?"

    -> Well, people come when pkers make videos. That's really a fact nobody can discuss about. When single pkers come with their teams (like aryan/bape/gundrilla/foreign forces/solidtag), a 100+ playerbase would already be playing. These teams bring people, and all they do is PK and make nice videos that could be used to advertise the game itself. But how will you get them?
    -> A reset would attract people to come because people believe a fair equal start in the game is needed to compete. People love the first few days of grinding to see who comes out richest and most powerfull.
    People really can't be asked to come on a game where some people have bills and bills already.

    Hard reset/Economy reset

    Theres is a different between these. There could be a hard reset that would completely whipe all character files. But there could also be a normal economy reset, just all the items and gold being whiped. Stats would be kept, same as prayers unlocks, pets and untradeables.

    Bonds could be refunded when they were purchased within 2 months from the date of potential reset. (In game, not in real life).

    I'm not here to tell you this SHOULD happen, I jus think It's the best thing to do now. Servers are dying, not because the games getting old. It's dying because there's no good game to play. I would really appreciate the effort I put in writing this and I would enjoy a nice comment with your opinion.

    Do not reply when you didn't even read anything, and say 'NO' just because you're thinking of your own bank/stats.

    Last edited by Cobra; 10-23-2017 at 09:46 AM.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    I can see that you think this can help the server, but I'm sorry to say that you're absolutely delusional.

    I doubt it will be necessary to go over everything you just said there, but I can tell you that 90% of that is complete bullshit and you have no idea what you're talking about.
    Here are a few points:

    *The last time PVP was an actual thing on Battlescape was at least 4 years ago, which is a lifetime if we're talking about the community of all private servers.

    *"I wouldn't be surprised" is not a valid thing to say in this kind of a thread. Also, where is your "fact" about everyone having 5b+?

    *People who enjoy PvM and/or skilling more than PvP won't care about having 300+ players, which is simply understandable if a reset is in consideration with no guarantees of being successful. Until Palidino goes full lone wolf on this subject, you won't get ANY support on this from the community as said and seen in the past. (everyone who have played battlescape for a respectable amount of time already know that resets only result in disaster)

    *Resets are bad. That's everything to it. This server has experienced countless resets and 100% of the times it has only done damage to it. (We're not talking about launching new versions of the game)

    *Start with making those pk videos and making people motivated to do so and then when you're imaginary PK communities join because of your pk videos - then let's talk about ANYTHING you have to say about the server, ok buddy?

    Also, you know why the most popular communities are so popular? Because of disgusting amount of money push towards advertising, which we just don't happen to have. They didn't grow their player base upon random eco resets, neither they did perfect coding. They got the player base just because someone had a shit ton of money.
    I agree that this community isn't too keen to do free advertising or anything, but what can you expect from us? The server is full of PvM'ers - they don't need the hundreds of players to play and enjoy the game which is also the reason they are not motivated to make some random ass videos about the server.

    I'm pretty disappointed that you didn't add a poll to this thread to show you how wrong you actually are. Please give it a rest, a reset wont happen anytime soon.

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Pali has said repeatedly and with good reasoning that he will not do any more game resets. Go back in the few threads and read why. He is working on other options. I suggest you work within that mindset and make suggestions accordingly

  4. connoiseur 10-23-2017 #4

    Player-base acquisition, especially regarding the PK'ing community (Neanderthalian like-minded individuals) is simpler if you create the illusion that the game is fresh/new so they have aspirations to establish dominance (analogous to nature, E.G: 'alphas', apex predators, etc).

    Player-base acquisition and player retention, however, are two different things, meaning it might be possible to get more people to try out the game by relaunching and resetting the normal mode, but there is no guarantee they will stay, which is what the current "PvMing/Pixel Hugging" community fears.

    For your agenda to even be considered, you would need to convince the owner of this server that at the very least, retention is possible and/or probable.
    Last edited by connoiseur; 10-23-2017 at 11:20 AM.

  5. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Nice thread, all tough i think i have missed some of these conversations in the CC making it a questionable thread to make. I know some individuals have made threads about it, you should take a look what the response on this was.

    Seems to me that you just really want a reset, which is very unlikely to happen at this moment.

  6. connoiseur 10-23-2017 #6

    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    Nice thread, all tough i think i have missed some of these conversations in the CC making it a questionable thread to make. I know some individuals have made threads about it, you should take a look what the response on this was.

    Seems to me that you just really want a reset, which is very unlikely to happen at this moment.
    Relaunching the normal mode seems kind of logical, actually, and I have stated it should be reset for reasons other than the ones OP or other people have mentioned.

    Normal mode originally started as a "bare-bones" type of mode, having no real identity in terms of how challenging it was and what the goals of the mode were.

    Over time, normal mode evolved: the owner of the server added combat lamps for new players, made bonus exp more generous for the mode, and accelerated progress of new accounts over time. This is where the normal mode began to have an identity: an accelerated PK mode that was easy to make new account build for pure/zerk/mid pking.

    However, it was too late already: the people who had played the original normal mode were excluded from the newer generous starter packs (lamps, cash, etc), and their gameplay experience was hindered because they were playing a different type of "normal mode" than what it was changed to every new update, and that's why they didn't come back.

    Right now, the ironman + hardmore mode accounts are most popular, and normal mode is pretty much stagnant. This is why it'd be a good idea to balance the mode further to the "PK-style", meaning, make it even easier, and delete normal mode altogether, and replace it with "Accelerator/PK Mode". With a new mode being released, all the people who play the PK servers like OS-Scape would have a reason to come try out the newly added PK mode.

    The 20 people playing normal mode are a small sacrifice to make, for the implications surrounding the introduction of an accelerator/pk mode, especially how most servers use that type of style for server design and it works (loco, OSS, dawntain, etc)

  7. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Tfw ur not maxed but ask for a hard reset :^)

  8. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    I swear this was the kid who said to me "I'm going to get pali to reset the server because you have 300B+" ( I don't have 300B) lmao

    Also what so you expect for a rsps that's been up for a year.

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