1. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017

    The long anticipated inferno has just been released, raising the level of PVM goals to the highest possible level. Beating the inferno took me countless tries and hours of practice on the boss. Since i now have a good insight on how the inferno should be done on Battlescape i feel like it would be one of the most useful guides around.

    Since the inferno is one of the hardest challenges out here, only the best gear will do.


    • Ranged armour (Armadyl + Anguish) & weaponry (Blowpipe + Twisted bow)
    • 11 restores
    • 9 brews
    • 1 ranged potion (For boss)
    • 1 stamina potion (For bats)
    • Rune pouch filled with: Soul runes, blood runes, death runes

    Budget inventory:

    • Ranged armour (Karils + Anguish) & weaponry (Blowpipe + Crossbow)
    • Ruby bolts
    • 9 restores
    • 8 brews
    • 1 ranged potion (For boss)
    • 1 stamina potion (For bats)
    • Water runes
    • Rune pouch filled with: Soul runes, blood runes, death runes

    Best setup:

    • Verac's helmet (Prayer+defence bonus)
    • Ancestral top + bottom (magic damage)
    • Eternal boots
    • Kodai wand (BIS magic + ability to autocast ancients)
    • Elysian spirit shield (Amazing bonusses, prayer+defence)
    • Barrows gloves
    • Ring of suffering (Defence bonusses, prayer bonus)
    • Occult necklace (BIS magic)
    • Ardougne max cloak 4 (Max cape works as ava's + great magic/prayer bonusses)

    Budget setup:

    • Verac's helmet (Prayer+defence bonus)
    • Ahrim's top + bottom
    • Wizard boots
    • Ancient staff
    • Blessed spirit shield
    • Barrows gloves
    • Seers ring
    • Occult necklace
    • Ardougne cloak

    There are new monsters encountered in the Inferno. Several of these monsters are similar to Fight Caves counterpart, while others are completely new. To make the monsters a bit better to separate i am going to use the simplified names:

    • Nibbler = Jal-Nib
    • Bat = Jal-MejRah
    • Blob = Jal-Ak
    • Melee = Jal-Imkot
    • Ranger = Jal-Xil
    • Mager = Jal-Zek
    • Jad = Jaltok-Jad
    • Boss = Tzkal-Zuk
    • Boss healer = Jal-Mejjaks

    Level Name Picture HP Attack style(s) Max hit Weakness Notes
    32 Jal-Nib 10 Melee 4 Magic Attacks pillars
    85 Jal-MejRah 25 Range 19 Melee Drains 4 run energy each hit
    165 Jak-Ak 40 Range, Magic 29 Melee, Range Spawns 3 Mini monsters after death, one for each combat style
    240 Jal-ImKot 75 Melee 49 Magic Digs and pops up near you if they are not attacked for a while
    370 Jal-Xil 130 Range 46 Melee -
    490 Jal-Zek 220 Magic 70 Range Can respawn any monster from the same wave with half hp when in combat
    900 JalTok-Jad 350 Melee, Magic, Range 113 Range Same as Regular jad, just more deadly

    Monsters per wave:

    Start ironman

    Wave 1.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat
    Wave 2.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat
    Wave 3.) 6x Nibbler
    Jal-Ak (Blob) will start to appear in the next round.
    Wave 4.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob
    Wave 5.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob
    Wave 6.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob
    Wave 7.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob
    Wave 8.) 5x Nibbler
    Jal-ImKot (Melee) will start to appear in the next round.
    Wave 9.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Melee
    Wave 10.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Melee
    Wave 11.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Melee
    Wave 12.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Melee
    Wave 13.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee
    Wave 14.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee
    Wave 15.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Melee
    Wave 16.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Melee

    Start regular accounts boosted

    Wave 17.) 5x Nibbler
    Jal-Xil (Ranger) will start to appear in the next round.
    Wave 18.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Ranger
    Wave 19.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Ranger
    Wave 20.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Ranger
    Wave 21.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Ranger
    Wave 22.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Ranger
    Wave 23.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Ranger
    Wave 24.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Ranger
    Wave 25.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 26.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 27.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 28.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 29.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 30.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 31.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 32.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Melee, 1x Ranger
    Wave 33.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Ranger

    Start boosted waves p2p

    Wave 34.) 5x Nibbler
    Jal-Zek (Mage) will start to appear in the next round.
    Wave 35.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Mage
    Wave 36.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Mage
    Wave 37.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Mage
    Wave 38.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Mage
    Wave 39.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Mage
    Wave 40.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Mage
    Wave 41.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Mage
    Wave 42.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 43.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 44.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 45.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 46.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 47.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 48.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 49.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Melee, 1x Mage
    Wave 50.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 51.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 52.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 53.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 54.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 55.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 56.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 57.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 58.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 59.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 60.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 61.) 3x Nibbler, 1x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 62.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Bat, 1x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Last appearance of Jal-MejRah (Bat).
    Wave 63.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Blob, 1x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Last appearance of Jal-Ak (Blob).
    Wave 64.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Melee, 1x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Last appearance of Jal-ImKot (Melee).
    Wave 65.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Ranger, 1x Mage
    Wave 66.) 3x Nibbler, 2x Mage
    Any remaining pillars collapse at the end of the wave and do 49 damage if you're one block away from it.
    Wave 67.) 1x Jad 5x lv141 healers spawn when JalTok-Jad is at half health
    Wave 68.) 3x Jad 3x lv141 healers spawn when each JalTok-Jad is at half health
    Last wave before TzKal-Zuk.
    Wave 69.) 1x TzKal-Zuk
    Small waves of 1x Rangers & 1x Mages spawn periodically throughout the round.
    1x Jad (with 3x healers) spawns when TzKal-Zuk is at 480 HP.
    4x Jal-MejJaks (Zuk's healers) appear when TzKal-Zuk is at 240 HP.
    Last edited by London; 10-20-2017 at 04:10 PM.

  2. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017

    The inferno is done by the use of pilars to safespot certain monsters. I suggest using the North-Eastern pillar, since it has the most safespot potentional. Stand North of the pillar in the Middle square for the best start.

    North-Eastern pillar:
    Use this pillar in combination with the safespot lines to complete all waves untill 66

    Safespot lines:
    Standing inbetween these yellow lines will prevent you from getting hit. Its a 3 x 3 tile system surrounding the pillar.

    Safespot scenario's:

    As the spawn locations of each monster are always different, you can have "good" and "bad" spawns. In this section i will be listing possible scenarios with their solution.

    Spoiler for Scenario 1:
    Scenario 1:
    One monster east of pillar, other spawn around pillar
    1. Kill B
    2. Kill A

    Spoiler for Scenario 2:
    Scenario 2:
    If one of the monsters is a melee, kill it first (easily safespotted)
    If not kill the ranger first, then proceed to move to a safer location in case mager respawns ranger.

    Spoiler for Scenario 3:
    Scenario 3:
    B can be killed safely from the tile you are standing on. Kill A after.

    Spoiler for Scenario 4:

    Scenario 4:

    Ranger and mager behind eachother
    Run to location shown on picture, stay on furthest possible tile. Kill A first then B. Running to this tile will make it safe to kill the closest monster and will keep you out of range from the furthest one.

    Spoiler for Scenario 5:
    Scenario 5:
    Ranger/Mager on eastern side of pillar, other one on the western side.
    Kill B first, to be safe from A stay within the 3x3 squares which are marked in yellow.

    Spoiler for Scenario 6:
    Scenario 6:
    Probably the easiest scenario. Maging from the middle tile of the 3 from the pillar will be safe. Kill A first then B

    Spoiler for Scenario 7:

    Scenario 7:
    Probably the hardest scenario, you will take hits. Ranger/mager is spawned so they can attack you both. Move to middle tile from pillar as shown in picture. Proceed to kill A then kill B.

    Use these tactics until you reach wave 67, where the first Jad will spawn.

    Additional wave info:

    66: Realistically one of the last waves you might take damage before boss. Bring both magers to low hp before killing them, otherwise they will respawn eachother using their special attack. Pillars will break after this wave, move away of them otherwise you take major damage.

    67: First Jad, kill it same way you killed regular jad.

    68: Triple Jad's, Focus on prayer. If you are using a twisted bow you don't need to aggro on the healers, as you can outhit them. As you have the chance to master this wave in practice mode i suggest doing it until you never fail it. On final Jad i suggest using blood barrage to heal to full and to fully prepare for boss.

    69: Boss; Stay behind the shield at all cost, rather do one less hit on the boss then die to a boss attack.
    Stay on boss safe tiles at each side, which are 4 tiles from the edge (see images)

    • After first shield rotation (from left to right to left), the first mage and ranger set will spawn. Grab aggro on them as soon as possible to prevent the shield taking damage and dying in a later stage. Kill ranger first with BP then kill the mager.
    • Damage Boss until Jad spawns (480 hp). Kill jad by rotating camera into his sight. If you are using a twisted bow you cannot range it from the safe tile from boss on the Western side (see picture)

    • If you have killed Jad i'd say you are past the hardest part.
    • Damage boss untill ~300 HP, then wait for second set from mage/range to spawn. Proceed to kill them the same way you did at the first set.
    • When having killed the second set proceed to kill boss, healers will spawn at 240 hp
    • Grab aggro on healers with BP, proceed to stay behind shield and kill healers. Rather miss a hit on a healer then take a hit from the boss.
    • When killed the healers damage boss as much as possible.
    • If not killed fast enough boss will spawn a third set of mage/range. Kill one of them, if boss is low and you have plenty of supplies i suggest damaging boss after you are 'safe' by having killed either one of the mage/range.

    General remarks:

    • Only attempt the real runs when you can do boss easily in practice mode, and don't die on it. Otherwise it is a waste of time.
    • Try healing up with Blood barrage/BP after every wave.
    • Don't be afraid to drink a brew/restore during regular waves. You won't be needing loads of food if you start to master waves.
    • Don't be greedy at the boss, i suggest doing 4 hits each side is the ideal balance between safety and DPS.
    • If done correctly a boss run will take about 4-6 doses of restore, and 4 dosis of brews.
    • You will fail countless times doing the runs/boss. Try to learn from every death. I suggest using a video tool to film your waves and to analize your death. If done correctly a boss run should look something like this:

    Huge thanks to London for helping me with some bad ass graphics and by providing some of the screenshots used.

    As this guide has taken me a couple days to make i hope it will prove useful for you all. Please let me know if you have successfully completed the inferno due to this guide. If you have any additions, questions or suggestions for this guide please let me know.
    Last edited by London; 10-20-2017 at 04:07 PM.

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