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    Junior Member
    Jan 2017
    • Os-Scape and Runite were a joke.

    Just because of this reason hundreds of people are now looking for a game to play. All servers are getting some more because of the failure of these two servers.
    Why did they fail? Not because they were economy based, just because the lack of content and updates.
    Runite was purely ECO based and pulled 500+ on first day. It died out because of no content and no updates in first few weeks of release.

    I hereby suggest in resetting the economy (not for ironmen/hardcore more). The reason I see, is that a lot of people are searching for a new game and they can't be bothered playing this because a lot of people have bills and bills already. We have to admit, nobody enjoys logging on a game where items and money are so unbalanced as on here.

    I mean, the server started off as a PVP based economy, and now has changed into a economy. This resulting in the economy that was have with 500 players is now placed in a every small community of only 70 +- active players. Look at the prices of all items, tortures (20m) toxic staff of the dead (20m),....
    All these items are so cheap just because there are so many of them in game.

    Resetting and announcing it on all social media/rune-server (project thread) could get us a hype going. Let's not forget this game is basicly finished already. Now runecrafting and farming, and we're set to go!

    • Advertisements.

    Please, we don't need no banners or google adds or whatsoever. Give a certain admin the powers and a budget to get some advertising done. Hereby I mean, get some youtuber videos made. These cost money, but it will be worth it in the long-run. These youtubers could be Slapped (https://www.youtube.com/user/ImDrainify/videos) or some others. I can get in contact with them, since I'm in the same team he is in.

    I really think this is the best solution in the long-run... Hopefully you read and give me your opinion Palidino.

  2. Offline
    Oct 2017
    reset normal eco and make it so ironmen cannot drop or trade items to other people for 1-2months.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by The Ironest View Post
    reset normal eco and make it so ironmen cannot drop or trade items to other people for 1-2months.

  4. connoiseur 10-18-2017 #4

    - reason BS was starting to gain more plrs is because you were making changes to make normal mode easier, but in the process the mode lost its identity and many people who tried older versions of normal mode pretty much quit because they didn't get the perks of exp lamps / easier entry to gameplay

    - obtain more advanced analytics of your current active playerbase, if the case is that iron/hard mode active players are the majority then it's time to rebrand normal mode

    - rebrand (& reset) the normal mode to have a new identity - something along the lines of accelerator/pk mode

    - finish raids and do the rebrand of the mode alongside the raid release (raids can serve as a form of damage control here)

    - you can enable something like 2x drops/xp the day the mode is released, so people can get established quicker

    - create a new proj thread on r-s to get the opinion of some people of your new mode and a chance for you to show off content you've added to BS since you last had an advert thread posted (note: rune-serv people shouldn't be the main source of a playerbase, just some people to give feedback initially)

    - follow up with RSPS youtubers who you said replied to you before, you need to advertise if you plan on rebranding an entire game mode (countdown on site, get people active on discord, etc)

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Every rsps economy is expected to become like this after 10 months+ of uptime.

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