1. Offline
    Senior Member
    Nov 2016
    1. Tzharr

    2. Fletching/Crafting.

    3. Pets would be cool

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    Add zulrah for the blow pipes
    herblore an farming in skilling
    a working grand exchange to sell items for gold

  3. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Crafting fishing cooking fire making woodcutting (pls crystal keys)
    Pets +pos
    Last edited by K; 12-12-2016 at 03:54 PM.

  4. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    - Demonic Gorillas
    - Cerberus
    - Skilling and Boss pets
    Last edited by D E A G; 12-10-2016 at 04:06 PM.

  5. Offline
    Nov 2016
    Skills - Max cape
    Code the pets plox

  6. Offline
    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    • Skills (and finishing current ones [lower the fail rate for pickpocketting, do stalls and finish the courses])
    • Tzhaar for fury until crafting is made sonit fan be an onyx instead (with Jad too ofc)
    • Player owned shops or G.E (pref G.E so people don't just undercut everyone by 1m and ruin prices)

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Player owned shops
    Demonic Gorillas or Cerberus
    Some new skills (Doesn't matter which ones)

  8. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    1.) Player Owned Shops.

    2.) Hunter (mainly puro puro with very fast and overhauled spawns & Imps chances to drop clue scrolls)

    3.) More thieving methods.

    4.) Finish placing "Basic Npcs" such as guards in fally and varrock.

    5.) New "trusted player" ranks on "Home" CC to make sure there is always someone available to help. ( or find an overseer for eastern standard time zone )

    6.) Donators and/or Gold Members attain the ability to add colors to their in-game names if they donate +$10.

    7.) Possibly see if you can set up another monthly top voters award as you did before. (maybe 1 month free Gold Members to the top 3 voters, just an idea)

    8.) Ring of wealth and Ring of wealth (i).

    9.) Woodcutting, Firemaking & Wintertodt.

    10.) Ceberus & fully coded, meaning smoldering stones and other stones work with smithing requirement. (not just dropping the boots instead and never coding smoldering stones.)

    11.) Mining & Smithing ( Keep it so we don't have to kill ourselves mining our lives away to get 99 smithing, some of us have jobs and we need to work those jobs to buy gold membership if you want donations)

    12.) Farming (also please fix all teleport methods and please also add some such as cabbageport ring and such, currently ardy cape doesn't tele)

    13.) Great Kourend + Catacombs (No need to fully code it yet just get it there for us to access & possibly do slayer/make arclight for zammy also possibly lizardmen)

    14.) Cannons (even if it was in vote shop or something add them so we can use for PvM content.)

    15.) Zulrah (with fully original drop table so we can stock up on supplies)

    16.) Possible gold member benefit could be Miscellania to stock up on extra resources. (or give to all players but gold members get x2 the items)

    17.) Wildy Bosses.

    18.) All Npcs drop blood money according to combat level.

    19.) Daily FFA PvP event in F2P gear only top 5 players get a prize. (5th - coins (250k) / 4th - Easy Clue Scroll / 3rd - Medium Clue Scroll / 2nd Hard Clue Scroll / 1st Elite Clue Scroll.)

    20.) Boss Instances for Gold Members. (Ex. room 1 or room 2 like on the 742 so items can be retrieved upon death.)

    I know it's a lot but its a few ideas to keep you busy or something.

    P.S. It'd be awesome if you could give us Telekinetic Grab spell and basic teleports or add the teleport mages' interface to the blank tab with "cities" option including all cities.

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Wildy wyvern

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Nov 2016
    before adding more bosses, ADD ALL WORKING SKILLS + PLAYER SHOPS.

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