Originally Posted by
lol il take constructive criticism but what you just said is VERY untrue lol.. the only way servers grow now days is through paid promotion via youtube and paid adds via rsps voting websites.. doing what was done back in the day isnt going to work now as its a totally difference scene in the community and all the pure clans left for 07.. so you are looking at a different crowd comming into BATTLESCAPE. I think its totally obserd you are even thinking that a rsps server especially an OSRS VERSION is going to gain any exposure with a playerbase of not even 100 lol, each player on here probably doesnt even have 10 subs per! how will this ever work without paid promotion and advertisement please tell me?.. you need to poach the pking content creators from the other osrs rsps servers, particularly the ones who upload team/clan content and ironman comment also...