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  1. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Hello all,

    After taking a look on YouTube, I noticed that new BS videos are very rarely uploaded. Specifically, sorting by upload date, I found less than 5 in the last 6 months. So that got me thinking, we need to come up with a way to try to motivate players to make videos more often. I'm looking for some feedback on what could work for prizes for a weekly top video.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    1x Untradable item to show you earned it (some sort of cosmetic, scythe for example)
    14 days membership
    Postbit icon (bring back 2012)

  3. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    1x Untradable item to show you earned it (some sort of cosmetic, scythe for example)
    14 days membership
    Postbit icon (bring back 2012)
    14 days membership for creating a video? You're dreaming

    Just start releasing regular party hats, masks etc into the eco through Video of the week. They effectively remain as rare items since only 1 can enter the eco per week

  4. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    We need to come up with a way to try to motivate players to make videos more often.
    We lack content that sets us apart. Posting videos of activities that you can do on any other private server won't get people to come here. Things such as raids, custom minigames (Zombies, lms etc) and inferno will. Only one server has raids and inferno and that alone brings them a ton of players. You continually stop progress on the big updates and make yourself look less and less reliable.

    In-game prizes also wouldn't motivate people to do videos lol. The economy is screwed. Nothing holds real value anymore.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Wavey View Post
    We lack content that sets us apart. Posting videos of activities that you can do on any other private server won't get people to come here. Things such as raids, custom minigames (Zombies, lms etc) and inferno will. Only one server has raids and inferno and that alone brings them a ton of players. You continually stop progress on the big updates and make yourself look less and less reliable.

    In-game prizes also wouldn't motivate people to do videos lol. The economy is screwed. Nothing holds real value anymore.
    Raids, inferno, etc have been done on plenty of servers, even if not perfect. Alora is far from the only one with it anymore. Whether or not theirs is the best I couldn't say. And that's not true, the majority of advertisement videos/paid videos aren't showing off some amazing new content no one else has, it's about just spreading awareness, which videos actually being made when they currently aren't will do.

  6. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Raids, inferno, etc have been done on plenty of servers, even if not perfect. Alora is far from the only one with it anymore. Whether or not theirs is the best I couldn't say. And that's not true, the majority of advertisement videos/paid videos aren't showing off some amazing new content no one else has, it's about just spreading awareness, which videos actually being made when they currently aren't will do.

    Everyone knows about Battle-Scape. There's reasons as to why people don't to want to join. Main one being the bad reputation we have. Another is that you disappear and are not the best at communicating with your own players. No one wants to play a server with no stability. You can put all the videos you want out about the server, but if you don't change the way you act towards your own players nothing will come of it.

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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Wavey View Post
    Another is that you disappear and are not the best at communicating with your own players. No one wants to play a server with no stability. You can put all the videos you want out about the server, but if you don't change the way you act towards your own players nothing will come of it.
    Says the pathetic scum that crawls in once a week just to cry about raids. You have no idea how active and more importantly - transparent with the community pali has been the past months.

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    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphis View Post
    Says the pathetic scum that crawls in once a week just to cry about raids. You have no idea how active and more importantly - transparent with the community pali has been the past months.
    Lol keep being Pali's #1 fan. Your so delusional it's confusing. I'm on everyday, but not ingame because the game is dead. Have fun maxing all your skills to 200m. Such a good way to spend your life. It's people like you that give Pali the pleasure of being half-assed.

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphis View Post
    Says the pathetic scum that crawls in once a week just to cry about raids. You have no idea how active and more importantly - transparent with the community pali has been the past months.
    no offence, but this is the reason why people dont really want to play this p'server. Sad to say but battle-scape has, and always will be based off a toxic community.

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    Junior Member
    May 2017
    the eco is shit why would anyone make videos for stuff of no value even if you gave out rares as reward the economy is shit and no one would make em

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