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    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by connoiseur View Post
    TB/Bait/Scout/Alt accounts are commonplace in today's RS wilderness and are pretty much used all the time in almost any scenario.

    If you're serious about this, just limit the amount of accounts that can be in the wilderness per IP to 2 (two) (incase two people in a household play, or something). If a third enters, just make it so that third account can't attack anyone.

  2. Offline
    May 2017
    I'm loving this

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2016
    Agree with connoisuer and Jessie
    Last edited by Wet Willy; 08-29-2017 at 11:44 PM.

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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I see it like this. Many pvmers skip a task because of the multiloggers who completely ruin most successful chances of completing a task. If there were a more even playing field more pvmers might attempt wildy tasks meaning more potential targets for pkers which is what they want. It also makes them work a little harder for their kills. You say we pvmers cry? Sounds like the pkers are doing the crying this time waaa he wont let me use several accounts to kill the few pvmers braving the wild. Suck it up pkers, you will get more targets and have to prove your skills by using only one account.

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    Sep 2009
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    Quote Originally Posted by no1sangel View Post
    I see it like this. Many pvmers skip a task because of the multiloggers who completely ruin most successful chances of completing a task. If there were a more even playing field more pvmers might attempt wildy tasks meaning more potential targets for pkers which is what they want. It also makes them work a little harder for their kills. You say we pvmers cry? Sounds like the pkers are doing the crying this time waaa he wont let me use several accounts to kill the few pvmers braving the wild. Suck it up pkers, you will get more targets and have to prove your skills by using only one account.
    They are all afraid to pk other pkers. Like come on, they say pk ain’t profitable. It’s because they refuse to risk in the first place.

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    what about the people pvming and then people who are pking come up and kill you i like to have a 2nd account on hand ready to save my mains life if being attacked, i am not for this at all

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by joshhyy View Post
    what about the people pvming and then people who are pking come up and kill you i like to have a 2nd account on hand ready to save my mains life if being attacked, i am not for this at all
    Assuming the second account is logged in already, you would just make sure to log into that account first so that it can do the attacking.

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    Sep 2016

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