1. Disabling the use of Alts While PKing for Tagging  - 08-29-2017 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    So this idea was posted and I wanted to take in some feedback on it before making the change. The original idea is, only one player per IP is able to be in the wilderness at a time. This would be to prevent people using alts for TB'ing players while having a second account for doing things such as barraging and dealing actual damage.

    How would it work specifically? Since you could log out in the wilderness to sneak a second account in, the limit would be for being able to attack other players. To be given attacking privileges in the wilderness, your account would have to login while no other players are logged in under your IP. Also, logging out while having privileges would NOT pass on the privileges to another account on your IP that is already logged in. To pass the privileges on, the second account would have to be logged into or re-logged into after the first account logs out.

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    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Sounds good, but make sure you implement some sort of system to prevent people from logging in and out after say a freeze and then being able to abuse the system either way.

  3. Offline
    Apr 2017
    No thanks, you single handedly ruin the ability for teams to use scouts or secondary accounts to TB people.

    This isn't even a problem currently so why are we discussing it all of a sudden? The Minority PVMers are crying that they got tbed during boss task by somebodies alt account? Tough shit. Dry your tears, drink some milk all will get better. When raids is added they'll not be crying any more.

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    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    Pj timer would be better.

  5. connoiseur 08-29-2017 #5

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    So this idea was posted and I wanted to take in some feedback on it before making the change. The original idea is, only one player per IP is able to be in the wilderness at a time. This would be to prevent people using alts for TB'ing players while having a second account for doing things such as barraging and dealing actual damage.

    How would it work specifically? Since you could log out in the wilderness to sneak a second account in, the limit would be for being able to attack other players. To be given attacking privileges in the wilderness, your account would have to login while no other players are logged in under your IP. Also, logging out while having privileges would NOT pass on the privileges to another account on your IP that is already logged in. To pass the privileges on, the second account would have to be logged into or re-logged into after the first account logs out.
    TB/Bait/Scout/Alt accounts are commonplace in today's RS wilderness and are pretty much used all the time in almost any scenario.

    If you're serious about this, just limit the amount of accounts that can be in the wilderness per IP to 2 (two) (incase two people in a household play, or something). If a third enters, just make it so that third account can't attack anyone.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by connoiseur View Post
    TB/Bait/Scout/Alt accounts are commonplace in today's RS wilderness and are pretty much used all the time in almost any scenario.

    If you're serious about this, just limit the amount of accounts that can be in the wilderness per IP to 2 (two) (incase two people in a household play, or something). If a third enters, just make it so that third account can't attack anyone.
    That defeats the purpose of removing TB slaves from the wilderness. I knew you'd see this update as negative as you slave for pvmers.

  7. connoiseur 08-29-2017 #7

    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    That defeats the purpose of removing TB slaves from the wilderness. I knew you'd see this update as negative as you slave for pvmers.
    If you want an objective opinion, I think the only people who will be negatively impacted by a 1 IP/wild will be room mates or siblings who play under the same IP.

    Literally, all it takes is one friend and you can essentially still TB + Barrage your target just as you would have by yourself.

    As I've said, alt accounts are commonplace on RS, and are pretty much used any scenario imaginable, whether it's skulltricking elysians or baiting out enemy single team members.


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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post
    That defeats the purpose of removing TB slaves from the wilderness. I knew you'd see this update as negative as you slave for pvmers.
    You're crying because you can't safely PVM in the wilderness. Tough shit go eat cookies n milk bitch

    TB alt's are standard for Pkers as are Scouts, you effectively want to fuck pking up even harder so that you can do your boss tasks in peace XD

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed it View Post
    You're crying because you can't safely PVM in the wilderness. Tough shit go eat cookies n milk bitch

    TB alt's are standard for Pkers as are Scouts, you effectively want to fuck pking up even harder so that you can do your boss tasks in peace XD
    1) I don't play much anymore and when I do, it's hardly to do bosses in the wilderness

    2) If I get tbed in the wilderness (which I have done before at salamanders and venenatis) I don't bitch/moan about it.

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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by blazed it View Post
    You're crying because you can't safely PVM in the wilderness. Tough shit go eat cookies n milk bitch

    TB alt's are standard for Pkers as are Scouts, you effectively want to fuck pking up even harder so that you can do your boss tasks in peace XD
    Scouts would still be able to be inside the wilderness. I think a change like this would be more for not allowing single PKers to TB and barrage other players, instead requiring you to actually have at least a team of 1 other player to do both.
    Last edited by Palidino; 08-29-2017 at 07:17 PM.

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