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    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    New Godsword Animation IDs

    Armadyl: 7644 Normal/7645 Ornament
    Bandos: 7642 Normal/7643 Ornament
    Saradomin: 7640 Regular/ 7641 Ornament
    Zamorak: 7638 Regular/7639 Ornament

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    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    Add the proper glory right click teleport interface when equipped, been asked multiple times >.>

    Allow for players to have all capitalized chars in their name ingame.

    flippers to vote shop or add the npc that drops the hat and flippers

    Finish the rooftop agility

    Dragon battleaxe special (still not added idk why)

    Add bones to peaches tabs to mage shop or gen shop. (make sure it works with all bones) 20 boss points for 1 is wack.

    Finish wild npcs, add the new osrs update; Wildy tasks


    Ability to exchange mole claw for bird nests like osrs, instead of giving seeds, give herbs or add a farming patch in edge you can use the seeds on for herbs + xp.

    Clicking smith on the anvil should automatically open up the smithing interface of the bars you have in your inventory

    Dwarf cannon + new update on it + granite balls.

    Emerald bolts making (effect poisons)

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Could we add the achievement diaries?

    Implementation: It could be useful for some special bonuses that help the Ironman Modes and Normal Modes.

    Issues: Some content isn't existing for the diaries to be added.
    Solution: Only add achievements that are involved around the content we have.

    Sorry for not being very descriptive just a general quality of life idea, wanted to keep it short and simple so others opinions could be more useful as a community.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Boahy View Post
    Could we add the achievement diaries?

    Implementation: It could be useful for some special bonuses that help the Ironman Modes and Normal Modes.

    Issues: Some content isn't existing for the diaries to be added.
    Solution: Only add achievements that are involved around the content we have.

    Sorry for not being very descriptive just a general quality of life idea, wanted to keep it short and simple so others opinions could be more useful as a community.

    With this in mind, we could use this blank tab for the diaries. I think someone suggested a whole list of them which I might try to track down later.

    I'm all for this suggestion.

    We could have benefits like "double dragon bones to wildy dragons" or % boost to blood money from pking etc

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    Junior Member
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by London View Post

    With this in mind, we could use this blank tab for the diaries. I think someone suggested a whole list of them which I might try to track down later.

    I'm all for this suggestion.

    We could have benefits like "double dragon bones to wildy dragons" or % boost to blood money from pking etc

    Also we could have things like noted metal dragon bars from all metal dragons and such, also possibly fix the slayer rewards.

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    🇳🇴 🇱🇮🇫🇪
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Boahy View Post
    Also we could have things like noted metal dragon bars from all metal dragons and such, also possibly fix the slayer rewards.
    Slayer ring with charges automatically notes bones if on task, that's probably not necessary

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    Senior Member
    Jul 2017
    Please code Ugthanki kebab!

  8. make obliskis in wildi work please/ags spec is broken  - 11-06-2017 #128

    Junior Member
    Sep 2017
    oblisks would be nice if they worked and ags spec is now broken>.<

  9. Offline
    Nov 2016
    plz make it so we can swap our bank tabs around I keep accidentally collapsing tabs but I'd like to keep em in order

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    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    Allow it so you can trade Lanthus 24 vote tickets (double amount of rewarded 12 hr tickets) for the Vote Xp Bonus, as only 1 account can receive the xp atm.
    Last edited by Bud; 11-07-2017 at 02:18 PM.

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