1. Offline
    Oct 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Alex View Post
    Barrows shouldn’t be obtained from keys. It ruins the purpose of people getting them and then risking them. People who do wildy barrows don’t pk. They just do it for their benefit of getting barrows sets. We need people to do them and then sell them. New players do wildy barrows cause they find out it’s easier, they get pked they stop going there. Plus that isn’t even pk’ing, people do it to piss off players. I’d be bored out of my mind pk’ing someone with no risk and 2-12 keys.

    Pali’s old EP system worked a lot better than this blood money garbage. There shouldn’t be a Blood Money shop, pushes people away from risking items. When someone can afford one, they aren’t going to pk with it.

    Wildy Slayer Dungeons would be nice or like they use to be. Regular Clue Scroll drops should be nerfed hella a lot. I can get 30+ doing a 120 hellhound task and maybe 1-2 in a 50 Cerb task. Bosses should have higher rate, not regulr monsters. I’ve gotten over 40+ Robins. I just drop them once in a while at the bank rofl.

    I agree with the Bonds tho, price will fluctuate and people will try to hoard them on regular accounts, instead of buying them. You know what I mean.
    What i mean about wilderness and pking is that Those pkers that pk there to piss people off atracts other pkers who wants to kill the pker that pisses people off.

  2. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2017
    Add the bonecrusher, bought with vote slayer points, charged with bloodmoney, adds a new sink for slayer points, adds a use for bloodmoney on ironmen.

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Sep 2017
    block boss tasks 10 vote ticks :P

  4. Offline
    Nov 2016
    Improve the rate at which gems are cut & wines are made, pretty sure it's about twice as fast in osrs

  5. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Make it so when you complete one of the RFD bosses, if you were to leave would not start the waves all over again; but start on the next boss

  6. Offline
    Sep 2009
    Zombies Supporter!
    10 Year Veteran
    - Xteas Maps in Free to Play areas need fixing.
    - Make bank in Seers work.
    - Have NPC at Woodcutting Guild note bow (u)'s near entrance.
    Last edited by Alex; 10-14-2017 at 04:53 PM.

  7. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Can we add a new rule to the game:

    - No swapping gold between hard/normal mode

    It ruins the purpose of hard mode when people swap for gold

  8. Offline
    Apr 2017
    - All Pest Control NPC's need significantly more HP. Like 2-3x what they currently do. They die far to fast, you 1 hit them most the time.

    - Add 5 minute auto logout if somebody doesn't perform an action

    - Change Prices so better items are more than the shitter items. Example:
    • Void Top; 17.5k
    • Void Legs; 12.5k
    • Void gloves/helmets; 5k each

    - Add Rub Option to ring of wealth on the equipment tab

    - Make it so if we click on the altar at catacombs it gives us the option to create an instance of catacombs. A lot of the time it's way to packed to do certain tasks, this would be a nice feature.

    - Make marks of grace drop in 5's. Stamina's are to painful to get

    - Add a notification every time somebody crosses the ditch, enters the wild with a tab/teleport & when they click on the Wilderness part of teleport menu, warning that they will lose all untradeables past 20 wild.

    - Add an NPC that will make you your godsword blades/DFS for 10m each.

    - Add the settings button that lets us toggle on chat message when we get untradeable items & loot over certain value.

    - Disable stat reseting for hard mode. It allows players to show off unique builds

    - Add Global Announcement for All slayer items, Vissage, Superior Items to all regular NPC's.
    Last edited by blazed it; 10-16-2017 at 08:05 AM.

  9. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    For ironmen is it possible to remove Rune Scim from the shop(s) and make it only obtainable via Fire Giants and other NPCs as this will make it a little bit harder which makes it more fun to grind for tbh. (I was thinking of asking to remove runes and teletabs for ironmen too but there isn't Runecrafting or Construction to make either). Axes aswell could be removed and received from slayer/smithing

    Fix Varrock, Lumbridge, Falador, Camelot teleports and move the quest NPCs to a different location so people have to go to these places in order to do the quests (It'll de-clutter home from NPCs and it'll make it so you gotta do more work to complete quests. Also removing the Wizard at home and making it so you have to use laws to actually teleport around the map it'll get rid of some GP in-game and it'll also boost the agility aspect of things as it'll make people run around instead of teleporting directly to the spot because at the moment agility and graceful/stamina's are useless imo.

    Add some cows to lumbridge so ironmen have to kill cows to get crafting up instead of buying from all the supplies from the shops.

    Hard core mode, it's suppose to be hard, right? Why not add a trade limit so they can only trade 5/10 times every 24h or something so they have to be efficient about what they trade.

    Fletching for ironmen - Could remove arrows/bows from shops and make it so you have to fletch them yourself instead of thieving for 30 minutes and getting 2m coins and buying 99 range with it..

    Also it'd be nice if we got a notification if we receive a pet/clue scroll drop/rare item drop
    Last edited by Froticle; 10-17-2017 at 06:43 AM.

  10. Offline
    Junior Member
    Oct 2017
    No, don't add ivandis flail. Don't turn this into Near-Reality or some remake of some custom server lmao.

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