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  1. Elves, Bosses, and Skilling  - 08-19-2017 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    There's a new way to obtain crystal items with the addition of elves. Boss instances have received a huge upgrade, and skilling outfits have been added. Other small improvements include hiding your own pet's options and skilling clue scrolls. Keep reading to find out a spoiler for the next update!

    Elves and Crystal Items

    Crystal items have been moved out of the shops and moved over to the Elves in the form of drops. They can be located at Lletya. They don't require a slayer level to kill but can be assigned as a task by Chaeldar, Nieve, and Duradel.

    Ilfeen will transform crystal seeds into a crystal item of your choosing for a cost of 150K. She is located in the ranged shop store of Lletya.

    Boss Instances and Skilling Outfits

    Boss instances can no longer be created for free while on a slayer task, but they will now last a full hour even if everyone clears out of the instance. Boss instances will also now provide everyone inside with a 12.5% accuracy boost, and 2.5% strength and defence boost.

    A fully charged ring of wealth (i) will now only be able to create 20 instances/hours before losing all of its charges, but will hopefully be better balanced out than previously by allowing instances to continuously run. In addition to this, it will also pick up the normal small coin drops from the actual OSRS drop tables.

    Bonds can be used to purchase lumberjack, prospector, angler, pyromancer, and rogue outfits. These outfits give 12.5% boosted XP and also to your chance of success. Skilling outfits also provide a 2.5% boosted chance at obtaining a clue item while training the associated skill, if the skill normally provides clue scrolls.

    In Other News

    • Mining now provides a chance to obtain clue geodes, the equivalent of clue scrolls. Likewise, woodcutting now provides a chance at obtaining clue nests.
    • Antivenoms, antivenom(+)s, and extended antifires can now be created in doses from 1-4.
    • Added the follower options priority setting, which hides your own pet's click options.
    • The gargoyle drop table has been updated to match OSRS, which includes the rework and also corrections for drops that should have been noted.
    • Reduced the chance of F2P in the Clan Wars Tournament to 12.5%, from the previous 25%.
    • Fixed the wilderness counter going crazy.

    Behind the Scenes: Raids and Skotizo

    Raids have seen a bit of a delay in progress as I had a busy week IRL. To help ease the pain of continuing to wait, Skotizo is nearly complete and will be released soon for some new content for now.
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    Last edited by Palidino; 08-19-2017 at 12:49 AM.

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