Thank you Wavey I never applied I just didnt feel like I knew enough but was convinced by one of the staff that I could do a good job. So guess we shall see but it means alot you saying this.
All Battlescapers are cool, cause, well its battlescape but its nice to be a part of the continued growth and excellentness
We are all here to help one another Havo but Ty. A team effort is what it will take, and remember everyone has a bad day and we are all human doing the best we can on any given day. We also have different strengths and weaknesses. I hope to strengthen my weaknesses and glow in the areas I am strong in
Aint nothing wrong being into older ladies now is there? And I will say to you what I always do, you should be so lucky. :P
Morphy I have a really nice Briskit that could use some of your salt
Last edited by London; 08-08-2017 at 05:58 AM.
Jordan is dead, the staff team has been lost in their own fiction.
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