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    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran

    Boss HP
    Boss stats

    Specifically, Vasa Nistirio.
    Can crystals be attacked if Vasa isn't focusing it? no
    How long will Vasa stand at a crystal healing before moving on if the crystal isn't destroyed? 15-30s?
    If you were to destroy a crystal Vasa is walking to, does it immediately start routing to a new crystal or does it finish the walk over first?
    How much/how fast does a crystal heal Vasa while it's at one? ~5%/10s
    Last edited by Palidino; 08-01-2017 at 06:05 PM.

  2. connoiseur 08-01-2017 #2

    I can give you information on all raid boss mechanics (camped it first month when it came out and still do them from time to time).

    All bosses scale, HP included based on party size. I can find out this information if I went in to a raid with like 1, then 2, then 3 people and then checked what the HP of vasa was (can edit this later).

    Anyways, Vasa mechanics are very simple.


    From the beginning:

    Vasa spawns in the middle of the room, and teleports anyone and everyone who is in it upon entering into a random location (usually best to send in fewer people so less damage is taken for whats about to happen next). Out of the random locations, one of them is the middle of the room next to it. If you get teleported to the middle of the room, your prayer is disabled and you are stunned whilst Vasa emits an AOE attack to everything in the middle.

    Everyone who didn't get teleported into the middle can run into the middle with pray magic on to take 0 damage, and also mitigate the damage the person who got teled will take. Also, vasa normally attacks with range projectiles after that, that can be dodged if you keep moving as you attack (I think).

    After this, everyone starts ranging Vasa as it begins to walk slowly to one of the crystals (I believe you have 30 seconds to attack it until it walks there or something).

    After it reaches a crystal, it becomes invulnerable to all attacks until the crystal is dead. This process much repeats until you eventually kill Vasa (with vasa walking to a crystal, then it dies, then it attacks everyone with range slowly as it walks to the next crystal). You also have a time limit to kill each crystal, if you dont it'll do the teleport thing that it did at the beginning when you first entered where people can randomly get teleported into the middle and take damage. I believe the crystals are weak to stab attacks.


    Woox's guide is very informative, too.

    14:13 for him killing Vasa. (he mentions how much damage it does on the first teleport and how to dodge its attacks)
    Last edited by connoiseur; 08-03-2017 at 05:09 PM.

  3. Offline
    Apr 2017
    Recommend you don't code vespula. In short the boss is pure shit to do on OSRS

  4. connoiseur 08-02-2017 #4

    Quote Originally Posted by blazed it View Post
    Recommend you don't code vespula. In short the boss is pure shit to do on OSRS
    The only annoying thing about that boss is having to constantly heal up the worms on the ground (or else if the worms die soldiers will spawn and portal will re-heal to full).

    Should just remove that mechanic altogether and have it work as so:

    Run into room, attack vespula while it's in the air until it reaches X% of health, then when it comes down to the ground portal will be attackable. Then it'll go back up into air after some time and repeat.

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Jul 2017
    Isn't raid kind of redundant now with all the raid items already in the game. O.o

  6. Offline
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Just noticed none of the raids potions seem to mention how much of a boost they give.

  7. Offline
    Senior Member
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Just noticed none of the raids potions seem to mention how much of a boost they give.
    You mean ovl+ or the lower pots ?

  8. Offline
    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    I'd rather you used your old dungeoneeriing code than create this bastardization. Raids only work if you half ass the code or code them right. Zulrah is still coded wrong and has one rotation. Please don't do this.

  9. Offline
    Senior Member
    Sep 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Just noticed none of the raids potions seem to mention how much of a boost they give.


    Says right there

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