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A big issue is lack of new players that stay? I'll tell you what the issues is. A bunch of people on the server gets hacked, which wasn't the players fault. It takes a week before some refunds start rolling out. I get the option to have my items back + items the hacker bought for my boss slayer points, OR to get the points back instead. Of course I chose the points. I've been grinding for 3-4 weeks to be able to get that twisted bow. What happends then? Absolute silence. The owner of the server is nowhere to be seen for WEEKS after that. The staff members doesn't know what to do, and is unable to help players because they have no way of contacting YOU. In the full 1 month and a week that I stayed active playing many hours each day, I saw you log in ONCE; for like 5 minutes.. You can't expect the server to do well and grow with your absence. It's like buying a car, never fueling it up and expect it to still start up.
The hacking and loss of boss points is the sole reason I stopped playing. Yeah, I got my 70m of items that I lost back, but loosing near 2B worth of points REALLY sucked. Especially when I get told I'll get it back as soon as you get on, which you never did. (It's been what...? 1 and a half month since it happened? Contacted Alex a few weeks ago and asked if I could have the items instead after all, and I have not gotten an answer)
However; with the recent updates and you seemingly being active again, there isn't much you can do but keep it up. (and don't let players get absolute fucked over like this unless of course it is the players fault that the player got hacked...)