Mining and Smithing have been released!
When PKing, you now have a 1 in 1,000 chance of receiving a black party hat, black h'ween mask, or black santa hat.
The graceful outfit can now be purchased from the Agility shop, providing a 30% faster restore rate when worn.
Quality of Life and Adjustments
Added the dragon axe, pickaxe, and harpoon special attacks.
The Wishing Well can now be boosted beyond an hour worth of time.
TzHaar-Mej-Roh has been added to TzHaar and will purchase chaos and death runes from you for 9/18 tokkul.
A 76k risk requirement has been added to obtain PK features such as blood money and emblems.
The ring of wealth (i)'s activation when in your inventory can now be toggled.
Crystal key halves now take into account noted variants and the Barrows reward chest.
You can now right-click break rings of recoil to restore charges.
Grimy snapdragons have been added to the Barrows reward chest.
Increased the chance of grimy snapdragons from the crystal chest.
You can now delete individual loadouts.
Loadouts can no longer be accessed until you enter your bank pin.
Loadouts will attempt to bank your inventory/equipment before withdrawing the items.
Added the lava dragon stepping stone.
Third age item global messages have been added.
Reduced the XP given from ensouled heads.
Reduced the King black dragon's spawn time.
Bug Fixes
Fixed the Abyssal Sire being assigned without the required Slayer level.
Fixed the ring of suffering (i) being protected on death in the wilderness.
Fixed getting the same Zulrah/Vet'ion pet you already have.
Fixed the dragon claws using the wrong special attack animation.
Fixed multiple bugs.