Originally Posted by
Goat Boat
Once again we see the usual reddit kid.'' oh if i was in that situation i would have done that''. legit braindead. first of all, no one brings a karambwan briding [ no one that is not clueless]. 2. u can clearly see i was 100hp but you hit 142 dmg, hmm i wonder how that is? oh maybe cause i ate a shark and brew u braindead kid. 3. having a karambwan is useless briding. shark brew when u are 80hp anyway so having a karambwan wont save you. 4. if u would actually not be clueless you would know that the barrage is only point where i can eat. you can one tick ags gmaul making it impossible for me to eat in the middle of that.Only time i could have eaten something was after your barrage hit me [which i did eat.]. Also stop acting like hitting 142 dmg in 2 ticks is skill or happens often. 5. if we ever brid again with matched gear you will once again get slammed around like a piece of meat.