Combat lamps removed from the Vote Shop.
Disabled the Blood Money Shop.
Removed all food and potions from the General Store.
Disabled Probita's Boss Pets Shop.
Moved dragon weapons, anchor, helm of neitiznot, and rune armour to the Legends Guild.
Removed rockshell armour, granite armour, dragon armour, rune boots, ring of recoil, phoenix necklace, and amulet of glory from the Melee Shop.
Moved rune arrows, rune bolts, and green d'hide armour to the Legends Guild.
Removed knives, darts, magic shortbow, hunters crossbow, rune crossbow, enchanted bolts, dragonhide armour, spined armour, and javelins from the Ranged Shop.
Moved ancient staves, blood/soul runes, combination runes, mystic robes, and splitbark armour to the Legends Guild.
Removed skeletal armour and lunar armour from the Magic Shop.
Adjusted XP rates.
Bonds can only be used for GM and RoW.
Coin drops are 25% the current size.
Start at wave 1 for the Fight Cave.
Halved special secondary rewards from Barrows.
Disabled trading other than bonds.
Disabled staking.
Disabled picking up items that aren't yours.
Disabled the Grand Exchange.
Disabled Blood Money and Emblem drops.
Disabled Thieving stalls.
Disabled buying Wishing Well entries.
Disabled picking up PKed items.
Disabled Blood Money from voting.Adjusted XP rates.
Disabled trading other than bonds.
Disabled staking.
Disabled picking up items that aren't yours.
Disabled the Grand Exchange.
Disabled Blood Money and Emblem drops.
Disabled Thieving stalls.
Disabled buying Wishing Well entries.
A few of the shop details are incorrect as I didn't entirely keep up with recording the changes as I made them, but still lists the overall changes. Anything I've missed? The update today will allow you to temporarily toggle ironman on until you relog to be able to further inspect shops and any other aspects.