1. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    -Make dfs not penetrable by dragon breath when killing non-boss dragons.
    would be nice if we can buff the dfs since its kinda hard to get that visage.

    -Put a notification upon drinking potion or eating food, its really hard to monitor the
    potion timer on anti poi/breath etc.. would be nice if the game will tell if you drank one already.

    -(kinda off suggestion) remove gems on the crafter store, and maybe make the dragon hides noted for gold mem?
    or probs the lower types of dragon hide, pros is to boost, dragon profits/crafting skill, make the cash stacks rotate more.
    possible cons.. cant think of any.

    -Buff high alching? it's kinda repetitive to get gains on just sinister keys/herbs/boss slaying and stuff. this could help many players
    to get gains faster. more gains, more gear, more pks on the server

    -Skilling items on the clue scroll? i admit it's nice to have them juicy cosmetics everytime you get a scroll but they are worthless tbh
    maybe it's time to give them a boost? i love collecting rares so would be nice to have the hype when you got a legit rare item for once
    (i know there's a 3rd age on it but. that's all there is)

    -Make the other potions/food consumable (this might the suggested many times already)

    -Have a yell command on the whole server for players? some players wanted to be more updated on the game's situations, those peptalks or
    whatever, home cc is nice for it but, how about the players who are not in it? the ones who have diff cc for instance.

    ill suggest more if i can find more interesting things to add, for now all opinions will be appreciated. thanks for the time reading this aswell. Cheers

  2. Offline
    Extreme Donator
    Jan 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by King Kai View Post
    -Make dfs not penetrable by dragon breath when killing non-boss dragons.
    would be nice if we can buff the dfs since its kinda hard to get that visage.

    -Put a notification upon drinking potion or eating food, its really hard to monitor the
    potion timer on anti poi/breath etc.. would be nice if the game will tell if you drank one already.

    -(kinda off suggestion) remove gems on the crafter store, and maybe make the dragon hides noted for gold mem?
    or probs the lower types of dragon hide, pros is to boost, dragon profits/crafting skill, make the cash stacks rotate more.
    possible cons.. cant think of any.

    -Buff high alching? it's kinda repetitive to get gains on just sinister keys/herbs/boss slaying and stuff. this could help many players
    to get gains faster. more gains, more gear, more pks on the server

    -Skilling items on the clue scroll? i admit it's nice to have them juicy cosmetics everytime you get a scroll but they are worthless tbh
    maybe it's time to give them a boost? i love collecting rares so would be nice to have the hype when you got a legit rare item for once
    (i know there's a 3rd age on it but. that's all there is)

    -Make the other potions/food consumable (this might the suggested many times already)

    -Have a yell command on the whole server for players? some players wanted to be more updated on the game's situations, those peptalks or
    whatever, home cc is nice for it but, how about the players who are not in it? the ones who have diff cc for instance.

    ill suggest more if i can find more interesting things to add, for now all opinions will be appreciated. thanks for the time reading this aswell. Cheers
    I agree to all of these except the yell command suggestion. The "help" cc is there for communication. A yell command would flood the chat with nonsense in my opinion. But other than that, good suggestions! :]

  3. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Ayeee. thank you for the feedback, but regarding to it. a yell one could have a 3min or 5 min timer to lessen the floods it might bring ^^

  4. Offline
    Dec 2016
    use antifire pots lol wtf is that dfs suggestion, u never played rs?

    skilling items from clues tf???

    yell? no ty

    idc too much about the rest apart from potion text yes pls

  5. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas View Post
    use antifire pots lol wtf is that dfs suggestion, u never played rs?

    skilling items from clues tf???

    yell? no ty

    idc too much about the rest apart from potion text yes pls
    I did play real rs, there were some things in-game that does not belong to "real rs", i'm suggesting it to somehow ease playing a rsps or
    to add some uniqueness on the server.
    skilling/shit items on clue cause why not? the rs u was sayin was not all about that cosmetics, consists of runes/iron-rune weap/gear/ and lots of
    shitloads before getting a good loot from it

  6. Offline
    Dec 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by King Kai View Post
    I did play real rs, there were some things in-game that does not belong to "real rs", i'm suggesting it to somehow ease playing a rsps or
    to add some uniqueness on the server.
    skilling/shit items on clue cause why not? the rs u was sayin was not all about that cosmetics, consists of runes/iron-rune weap/gear/ and lots of
    shitloads before getting a good loot from it
    there's already a way to get no damage from dragon breath so no need to add an extra dfs effect

    I'd rather just get cosmetics from clues u can already buy most skilling supplies from shops and you get the rest from crystal keys

    I said I support the potion drinking text tho, not playing rs i was just messin

  7. Offline
    Junior Member
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by thomas View Post
    there's already a way to get no damage from dragon breath so no need to add an extra dfs effect

    I'd rather just get cosmetics from clues u can already buy most skilling supplies from shops and you get the rest from crystal keys

    I said I support the potion drinking text tho, not playing rs i was just messin
    yea your opinion on my suggestion was very appreciated. saw some cons about it, would be nice to get more of it soon, so that i can
    think of a better suggestion than what i listed above

  8. Offline
    Dec 2016
    I'd say no to removing gems and yell, but the rest sounds allright.
    And yeah I support that maybe gold members could get hides and bones etc noted from kills.
    Last edited by Miika; 04-06-2017 at 01:53 PM.

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