I've been staking on you game for years, still addicted and still cleaned daily. I did notice this system offers you a completely unfair play of game.
1. Remove pid in duel (gives the player who has it a extra whip hit, basicly a win/loss) even before the stake starts.
2. Remove defence from the stake, the hits are so innatural you got no idea. I've had multiple stakes where I do 7 tent hits all under 5 damage. Juts remove defence and fill up that gap of unfair play.
I know you all think I'm an angry addict, yes I am. I got cleaned like 7x already on this game due to 'Pure' bullshit.
(hit 0 - 0 - 0 - 5 - 3 on 11 healt and loose)
(hit 0-0-0-0-0 on 12 healt and loose (ask Devyn ingame for confirmation)
(spec 0-1 0-3 0-2 1-7 dds specs when that shit is supposed to higher up your hits)
Had enough, rework this shitty arena like it was before on battlescape (defence disabled)