Download link hidden for now lads
NEW: Update your posts in this thread to help me keep track of what I still need to do.
Things to keep in mind:
- Server isn't complete
- Accounts will be reset after this "beta"
- I can speed up drop rates and Slayer XP/PK Points if it'll help for testing
- Post suggestions
Originally Posted by Update 10/22/16 6:42PM
King black dragon added.
Added some BM abusive preventions.
Raised the price of the Heavy ballista.
Added a guide book to the free items shop.
Added a mute, mute4, and unmute command for staff.
Updated the Wilderness multi-lines.
Reverted defence.Originally Posted by Update 10/22/16 4:34PM
New commands (Wilderness multi lines anyone? Lol)
::tele x y z(optional)
::noclip true/false
Marking a multi section:
x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY
Improved pathing and following.
Added teleport block immunity.
Leaving the wilderness will reset teleport blocks.
Reduced the web cutting rate.
Reduced defence.
Moved defenders up to rune, god capes, and avas to the free items.
Raised the cost of some untradable items.
Fixed autocasting.
Fixed pathfinding.
Fixed canceling spell casting.
Fixed the tele tab clicking.
Fixed magic binds on death.
Fixed autocast saving.
Fixed NPC aggression when spawning on top of you.
Fixed clearing following action when doing something else.
Fixed more clan chat saving issues.
Fixed the tome of fire boost being underpowered.Originally Posted by Update 10/22/16 1:03AM
Added the entangle and tele block spell.
Added the wilderness tele tabs.
Added the trident of the seas spell.
Added web cutting.
Added opening/closing gates in the Wilderness.
Rewrote the formula for how many coins a monster drops (scaling nicely with bosses). An Abyssal demon can drop anywhere from 150k-175k, while a GWD boss ranges from 800k-900k.
Boss multi-drops of coins will scale similar to how the drop rates scale.
Added the veracs special gfx.
Added the remaining barrows to the BM shop.
Temple of Light (Dark beasts) dungeon added.
Changing equipment/eating food while in combat will no longer reset your movement.
Changed the default Clan Chat to home.
Fixed an issue with the charge spell that disables the magic interface buttons.
Fully fixed private chat (may have also fixed purple cc dots with this).
Fixed clan rank saving.
Fixed a clipping issue from objects that are contained across two regions.
Fixed a server cache loading issue that was wasting memory.Originally Posted by Update 10/20/16 8:35AM
Added a gfx #id and gfxloop #startid command, need help finding the new teleblock gfx. Roughly 1.3k gfx.
Barrows brothers have been added in the Wilderness: Graveyard of Shadows, Forgotten Cemetary, and Fountain of Rune.
Casting spells near the Fountain of Rune provides you with infinite runes.
Lava dragons have been added and their scales can be used to make extended antifires.
Battle mages have been added in the Mage Arena and drop Mage Training Arena items.
Elder Chaos Druids are now located at the Chaos Temple.
Added the charge spell.
Added the god spell effects.
Adjustments to the hit chance have been made.
Added smoke and mud runes to the shops.
Added elder chaos druid robes to the shops.
Binds reset on death.
Improved following.
Multi player drops now include 100% item drops from bosses.
Added the Edgeville lever.
More PM debug messages added.
Fixed the waterbirth dungeon doors.
Fixed autoretaliate saving.
Fixed casting spells while frozen.Originally Posted by Update 10/18/16 2:46PM
Placeholder items now display correctly.
Added law and nature runes.
Deactivating prayers unhighlights the prayer orb.
Saradomin GWD boss aggression reset delay has been changed to 8 ticks.
Armadyl minions will no longer stop attacking you when Kree'arra pushes you back.
Emblem trader can now exchange emblems for coins.
Eating, drinking, and dropping items closes interfaces.
You can now use burnt pages on the tome of fire (instead of right-click add pages).
Improvements to BH target handling.
Staff of the dead can now cast Flames of Zamorak.
Adjusted the speed of autoretaliate.
Increased emblem value and coins from monsters.
Better syncing of God Wars bosses and minions.
Dying resets potion effects.
Changing your stats deactivates prayer.
If you try to attack a player while frozen and can't reach, you'll stop trying to attack them.
Added some PM debugging.
Fixed staminas not working correctly.
Fixed the BH interfaces (requires client redownload).
Fixed spell highlighting in the wilderness.
Fixed facing when following a player.
Fixed prayer flicking.
Fixed Nieve's right-click assignment option.
Fixed a bug when dying with emblems.
Fixed untradable ground items.Originally Posted by Update 10/14/16 5:53PM
Bounty Hunter targets added.
Killing your target earns you 50% more blood money and an ancient emblem.
Emblems exchange rate is now doubled (prev. rate was OSRS point value for them).
Removed mysterious emblems from the supplies shop.
Removed risk playing a factor in blood money received.
Added burnt pages to the BM shop.
The Dagannoth Kings and GWD bosses will now drop items for two additional players, with the drop rates multiplied by 0.8 and 0.6 for the additional players (a 0.8% rate would be 0.6% for the second player, and 0.4% for the third player).
Added antifire potions to the supplies shop.
Untradable items will stay on the ground for 10 minutes.
Rearranged the blood money shop.
Run orb now correctly lights up while a stamina potion is active.
Nieve's right-click options now do different actions.
Adjusted the Dagannoth King spawn/walk positions and re-increased their aggressive range.
Removed the multiplier off the supplies shop prices (was GE value * 1.2).
Quick select highlight deactivates when selecting prayers manually.
Mushroom potato can now be eaten.
Added bolt racks to the shops.
Staff of the dead can now autocast Flames of Zamorak.
You can no longer trade in the fighting area of FFA.
Added a banker to FFA.
Increased the speed that poison hits.
GWD bosses are no longer linked to their minion respawn times (minions still linked together).
Fixed bosses that jump to different targets that shouldn't.
Fixed a routing issue that stopped a path from being found when clicking on a non-walkable tile.
Fixed a bug with hitting 0 run energy and continuing to run.
Fixed a bug with autocasting multi-combat spells.
Fixed the Saradomin and Zamorak GWD boss and minion aggressive range.
Fixed the swap/insert button correctly showing what is set.
Fixed the cancel option on autocasting.
Fixed changing spellbooks not reseting autocasting.
Fixed skeletal wyverns using the normal dragonfire prevention rules.
Fixed items kept on death interface not showing a 4th item when the protect item prayer is activated.
Fixed the cave kraken going back into it's whirlpool form incorrectly.Originally Posted by Update 10/13/16 2:47AM
Multi-combat spells now work correctly.
Added block animations for players and npcs.
Run energy now drains.
Added Stamina potions to the supplies shop.
Added the Black mask damage boost.
Bank hide worn items button now saves.
Placeholders now work (don't display transparent currently).
The HP orb will turn green when you're poisoned.
Reduced clan chat updates from 60 seconds to 10 seconds.
Fixed TzHaar-ket-om's animations.
Fixed Torag's hammers animations.
Fixed Verac's flail animations.
Fixed dagger, Toktz-xil-ek, and Toktz-xil-ak animations.
Fixed the Lunar helm.
Fixed fremennik helms and plates.
Fixed eye patches.
Fixed coif and cowl.
Fixed eating while over max HP lowering you to max HP.
Fixed axe attack styles.
Fixed attacking cave krakens.Originally Posted by Update 10/12/16 2:29PM
Improved clicking objects/npcs/players.
You'll stop following npcs/players once you reach them when doing actions.
Veracs now has a chance to avoid protection prayers.
Increased GWD boss and minion aggressive range.
Added the Dragon warhammer special attack.
Crystal items can now be equipped without an Agility level.
Added the black mask damage boost. EDIT: Slayer helms not black masks. Woops.
Removed dragon tokens from black dragon drops.
Boosted the number of coins dropped by monsters by 50%.
Reduced the distance dagannoth kings randomly walk.
Fixed following when your player's map height is above 0.
Fixed item rotation (including bank tabs).
Fixed the trading dupe.
Fixed Kree'arra using melee incorrectly.
Fixed the GWD altars turning your prayers off.
Fixed Sergeant Steelwill's attack animation.
Fixed Zakl'n Gritch's attack animation.
Fixed the Chilli potato.
Fixed a bug with super restores that can sometimes kick you from a client error.Originally Posted by Update 10/12/16 5:19AM
Spread out Edgeville.
Added a free for all portal to Edgeville.
Added super combat potions to the shop.
Added soul runes to the shop.
Improved prayer drain rate from prayer bonus.
Improved map item handling.
Selecting check with an abyssal tentacle equipped no longer unequips it.
Changed "Enter amount:" to "Set SKILLNAME level:" for combat stat setting.
Shops that run off of OSRS GE prices now round their prices.
Colored the slayer assignment complete text.
Reduced the time dying takes by 1.2 seconds.
Removed the red circle from the wilderness interface.
Reduced the dagannoth king aggressive range from 4 to 2 tiles.
Reduced the cost of defenders under dragon.
Fixed private messages and clan chat messages not always showing up.
Fixed trading.
Fixed the God Wars entrance.
Fixed bolt effects activating with other ranged weapons (such as knives).
Fixed casting spells through objects.
Fixed noting/unnoting.
Fixed rotating inventory items while banking.
Fixed clan chat settings.
Fixed the Slayer XP rate to be what it was meant to be.
Fixed teleportng in level 20 wilderness.
Fixed prayer not appearing to be restored after death.
Fixed diagonal following.