Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
Update to take care of some things
New feedback:

- Clan chat members dissappear sometimes, it happens at random times, mostly when a new player joins, I believe other members of the chat appear as soon as you type something in, not totally sure yet.

- If a clan chat owner logs out and logs back in, ranks are in the chat are reset.

- When you enter your clan chat for the first time, random characters appear as a clan name, instead of your current username.

- If you get your HP above 99 and eat any food, it drops back down to 99. For example: I sip a brew and get to 115 HP, eat a shark and it drops to 99 again (Found by R E V A N).

- Ring of recoil check message is worded oddly: "You can inflict X more points of damage before the ring shatters." would sound much better.

- Bankers do not allow you to access the bank, only bank booths.

- Dragon battleaxe and Dharok's greataxe only give attack XP regardless of attack style.

Minor graphic stuff

- Verac's flail "floats" while holding it.

- Rock-shell plate/spined body/skeletal top looks a bit weird/broken.

- Wearing an eye patch makes your head disappear (Found by R E V A N).

- Coif textures are not working properly.

- Lunar helm textures are messed up.

Minor animation stuff


- Lunge and stab attack style do the slash animation.

- Slash style does stab animation.


- Stab, lunge and block attack styles do the slash animation.

- Slash does the stab animation.