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    Senior Member
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by undecided View Post
    I believe he meant the one which was in old bs , like u kill multiple bosses ect like dungeoneering and rewards were chaotics / whip colours ect

    OR the dung one where u could just afk mage with a team for pts.
    Nightmare Zone I think it's called, not a bad idea IMO.

    I think he should do a poll regarding what kind of minigames should he do first and list possible rewards, perhaps more like a discussion thread?

  2. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Think these are the only remaining ones I've found


    - All NPC's outside of the wilderness agro range should be 7 Squares (I tested on OSRS). NPC's inside the wilderness (except for bosses) should have an agro range of 2 squares.

    - GWD minion agro range still needs to be increased to the entirety of the room for all bosses.

    - Change Saradomin agro swap to 8 ticks

    - "Select Quick Prayer" option needs to automatically switch you to the prayer tab.

    - Deactivating prayers needs to turn off the Quick Prayer icon highlight.

    - When armadyl boss does the confuse attack thing it un-agro's the minions. It shouldn't be doing this.

    - If you set bank to "insert" mode, log out & then log back in it'll display as "re-arrange" mode even though you are still on insert.

    - Private chat isn't working (I don't know what exactly is wrong with it, it just isn't working).

    - The client needs to capitalise the first letter of usernames & first letter after a [Space]

    - You need to have an arrow above target in wilderness.

    - Staminas are lasting forever at the moment instead of 2 minutes.

    Lesser Important Bugs

    - Left clicking the HP orb when poisoned needs to drink a dose of your anti poison.

    - In the wild it's now not displaying the protect item icon

    - Staff of the dead still can't fire flames of Zamorak, it says "You do not have the correct weapon for this spell."

    - Trident doesn't work

    - You can use the ground floor Wyvern cave entrance from the upper floor of the wyverns

    - Doors need to work to get out of the GWD rooms.

    - Disable world select on the client.

    - Can't bury any kind of bones currently.

    Missing Content

    - GWD needs killcount for boss rooms.

    - GWD needs like double the current NPC's that it has.

    - Add Barrows

    - Add edgeville lever to deserted Keep

    - Add all the Wilderness teleports on ancient magic spellbook & the ice plateau teleport on lunar spellbook

    - Missing Staff of dead/D Scim/D Spear Special Attacks

    - Makeover mage doesn't work at the moment.

    - On Death in OSRS untradeables are kept in your inventory, not dropped on the floor. It should be the same here

    - Charge needs to be added (Increases godspells to 30 max hit)

    Missing Items

    - Put Law runes in the free gear shop.

    - Add Ardougne cloak 4 to the blood money shop

    - Add Void & Elite Void to the blood money shop

    - Add rune pouch to the blood money shop (Can put 3 stacks of runes inside it), then make it so on death it keeps the runes inside it?

    - Add Robin Hood Hat/Ranger Boots to the blood money shop

    - Add Halos to the blood money shop.

    - Add Slayer helmet/Task skip tickets to slayer shop.
    Last edited by Iloi5ia89; 10-14-2016 at 11:37 PM.

  3. Online
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    - Doors need to work to get out of the GWD rooms.

    OSRS is set to not allow it, you have to use the altar to teleport out
    "Changes that passed the feature poll include:
    • The four bosses and their bodyguards will broadcast messages to all players in their rooms to state what items have been dropped, and to whom.
    • The boss room doors will be entrances only, and the altars will have a 'Teleport' option to let you exit.
    • When the four bosses drop stacks of herbs, they should do so in banknote form.
    • A new magic weapon similar in behaviour to the Staff of light would be dropped by K'ril Tsutsaroth."

    I wasn't really planning on adding GWD killcount, it just seems like an unnecessary annoyance.

    I'm thinking about adding Barrows brothers through the wilderness, they're the only non-boss monsters that could be put only in the wilderness that would have the best chance at actually bringing in PKing outside of Edgeville. Open to other ideas though.

    I know untradables are kept in your inventory outside of the wilderness, but it applies inside too?

    I'm saving clue scroll items for PvM drops only, it's one of the few things that will separate PvP and PvM items that can be obtained.

  4. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    - Doors need to work to get out of the GWD rooms.
    OSRS is set to not allow it, you have to use the altar to teleport out
    "Changes that passed the feature poll include:
    • The four bosses and their bodyguards will broadcast messages to all players in their rooms to state what items have been dropped, and to whom.
    • The boss room doors will be entrances only, and the altars will have a 'Teleport' option to let you exit.
    Fair Enough. Could you just get the game to send a message then like "The door won't budge, you're going to have to find another way out". At least then it doesn't leave people left in the dark wondering why it won't open.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I'm thinking about adding Barrows brothers through the wilderness, they're the only non-boss monsters that could be put only in the wilderness that would have the best chance at actually bringing in PKing outside of Edgeville. Open to other ideas though.
    I actually like this idea, anything to incentive pking I believe is good. A quick idea I thought of would be:

    • Barrows Brothers are placed in the Ruins above the graveyard of shadows. (It's close to a wilderness teleports & not to deep wild, but deep enough not to easily teleport away from).
    • You can spawn each different brother by interacting with an object, or digging on certain spots?
    • Inside the ruins area you will get the barrows overlay displaying barrows KC & which brothers have been killed.
    • There is a chest somewhere in the ruins area that will give you your reward once you have killed all the brothers.
    • Attacking a barrows brother would skull you as well (To prevent people 3 iteming etc etc)

    The only 2 problems you will receive with having them inside the wilderness is that:

    - Players will be confused as to how to obtain the barrows items. Maybe you could add the barrows teleport option to the wizard, however rather than it players there, it'll send a chatbox message like "Barrows Brothers are located at the ruins above the graveyard of shadows".
    - A team can lock down the area and prevent the entire server from obtaining barrows gear this way.


    Other idea I thought of would be to treat each brother similar to revenants. A few spawns of each barrows brother would randomly roam the entire wilderness, killing one has the potential to reward you with loot respective to the one you killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I know untradables are kept in your inventory outside of the wilderness, but it applies inside too?
    It doesn't apply inside the wild on RS, but just for convenience sake it'd be decent. Reclaiming items on death in the wild is like adding insult to injury. No player wants to walk back to the person that just killed them to pick up items, they want to get back out pking as fast as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    I'm saving clue scroll items for PvM drops only, it's one of the few things that will separate PvP and PvM items that can be obtained.
    Could have monsters drop clue reward caskets then instead of the scrolls, or do you intend to actually add working scrolls eventually?

    Also on the topic of NPC drops, a lot of the monsters drop pointless items like rune armour/weapons. Maybe change the rune drops to their equivalent alch value in coins.




    Found a couple big bugs:

    - Player following character facing isn't working at all.

    It works until you are 1 square away from the person you are following. Then it just doesn't face them at all & you walk around like a headless chicken looking random direction.

    - Trading is placing you on the wrong tile (Usually diagonal to them)

    - If you enter the wilderness Magic Spells stop highlighting even if you have the correct runes.

    - Private chat ain't working at all

    - When you click an object, you interact with it from like 5 squares away (agility obstacles, doors, ladders etc)

    Other bugs/little things:

    - Auto Retaliation time needs to be doubled to match OSRS (For NPCS & Players)

    - Stamina potions currently last forever instead of the intended 2 minutes

    - Dropping Items, Eating & Drinking needs to close interfaces.

    - Can't sell emblems to Emblem Trader Guy?

    - Tier 1 is tradeable currently

    - You shouldn't be taking damage when you teleport. Teleporting should make you immune to all damage.

    Important BH Bugs

    - If you die you currently don't lose your target (The killer loses target but not the Victim)

    - The Target Setting system isn't setting targets at the same time for both players (1 player receives the target before the other player does).

    - You still currently get the old Value of Emblem when you kill a player with the emblem (You get 50k for killing somebody with a tier 1, but should be getting 100k).

    - The wilderness level range isn't updating on the BH overlay when people go up/down wilderness levels.

    - Targets should have a pointy arrow above their head.

    - The "Two minutes to re-enter wild" thing isn't reseting each time you acquire a new target/kill your current target/skip target etc etc

    - You need to add the Teleport to BH target spell to all 3 spellbooks. (This spell should be unlockable from the emblem guy for like 50k blood money)
    Last edited by Iloi5ia89; 10-15-2016 at 09:18 AM.

  5. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Bounty Hunter Emblem Stuff

    I tested around with emblems for a bit this morning just to give you a rough idea of what to expect at current rates.

    Current Emblem Prices Problem

    1. Average cost of supplies P/hour from Pking = 500k-1m (Depending on how much you fight)
    2. This means you'd need to kill at least 5-10 targets P/hour to break even (Which won't happen)
    3. Per 5-10 Target kills 1x Whip worth of blood money enters the game.

    The problem here is that 1 whip is entering the game and literally 0 coins are entering. This is going to cause people to hoard items.


    Double the loot to starting 200k at a tier 1.

    This means people can freely purchase supplies & it starts placing gold value on blood money items.

    That then leaves room for inflation off of excess money that slowly enters through PVM, & some people getting higher tier emblems.

    Blood money shop prices

    Price increases

    AGS price changed from 345k to 500k
    Abbysal Dagger price Changed from 129k to 350k
    Bandos Godsword Changed from 40k to 250k
    Zamorak Godsword Changed from 41k to 100k
    Heavy Balista changed from 91k to 500k (This weapon is OP as fk, probably the most broken shit in OSRS. Legit if this weapon is easily accessible you will 100% ruin the server lol)
    Staff of the dead Changed from 106k to 200k

    Price decreases

    Saradomin Godsword Changed from 704k to 250k
    Dragon Warhammer price Changed from 1.1m to 400k
    Bludgeon price Changed from 612k to 400k
    Last edited by Iloi5ia89; 10-15-2016 at 09:18 AM.

  6. Offline
    ∏ ∐ ∑ ╱╲╳¯
    Sep 2016
    ugh barrows in wildy is aids

    on another note, the barrows in the bm shop, can you swap those for the barrows box set? plenty more room.
    Last edited by M N M; 10-15-2016 at 11:07 AM.

  7. Online
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessie J View Post
    Only read the Barrows part so far but having all the brothers condensed to one small area of the wilderness will mean that barrows will be controlled by teams/clans.

    EDIT: Should have read further lol

    Other idea I thought of would be to treat each brother similar to revenants. A few spawns of each barrows brother would randomly roam the entire wilderness, killing one has the potential to reward you with loot respective to the one you killed.

    That more or less is what I had in mind

  8. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Only read the Barrows part so far but having all the brothers condensed to one small area of the wilderness will mean that barrows will be controlled by teams/clans.

    EDIT: Should have read further lol

    Other idea I thought of would be to treat each brother similar to revenants. A few spawns of each barrows brother would randomly roam the entire wilderness, killing one has the potential to reward you with loot respective to the one you killed.

    That more or less is what I had in mind
    It could work but the lack of consistancy may deter people (May only find a couple brothers P/hour, could find like guthans 4 times in an hour which is shit) etc etc.

    You'll still also be missing a big, consistent money maker outside of the wild for newer players.

  9. Online
    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    Quote Originally Posted by Jessie J View Post
    It could work but the lack of consistancy may deter people (May only find a couple brothers P/hour, could find like guthans 4 times in an hour which is shit) etc etc.

    You'll still also be missing a big, consistent money maker outside of the wild for newer players.
    Different areas of the wilderness could instead contain a fixed number of spawns, with the most popular brothers having two locations.

  10. Offline
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Palidino View Post
    Different areas of the wilderness could instead contain a fixed number of spawns, with the most popular brothers having two locations.
    Sounds good, as long as they're consistent & not impossible to find I don't see a problem. Maybe you could just do something like give them a barrows casket which randomises the reward pieces (to stop selective pieces coming in)

    Could you also place the defenders up to rune in the free shop please? I don't think anybody is going to want to PK without a rune defender since it's like basic pk gear.
    Last edited by Iloi5ia89; 10-15-2016 at 01:26 PM.

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