Here's my feedback:
- Tested out prayer draining, it works perfectly.
Prayer Bonus - Time to drain from 99
+0 prayer - 1m 40s
+10 prayer - 2m 12s
+15 prayer - 2m 30s
+24 prayer - 3m
+30 prayer - 3m 18s
+45 prayer - 4m 7s
- Turning off "Deposit worn items button" and then using the bank, turns the button back on.
Cannot create new bank tabs, it was working fine before the update.
Cannot arrange items in the bank (insert or swap)
- Still cannot arrange items in the inventory while using the bank, the very same thing happens, for example:
Want to change it to:
It reverts back to the first image when I close the bank, this also happens when arranging bank items, as mentioned before.
Trading forces to follow the player you are trading, you must have a mating ritual before the trade screen shows up because of it (See M N M's post for a .gif).
- Sending trade requests is a bit slow, accepting them is quite fine however.
You are able to dupe items if you offer some items then decline the trade, both players will most of the time get 50% to 400% more of what was offered. (Found by Alex)
Some action of this:
After decline:
Another example with stackables:
After decline:
Whenever you talk to a NPC, you keep following him/her until you move, even for shops.
Black mask does not work, nor the bonus damage shows up in the equipment screen.
- Cannot test crystal equipment yet because of the agility requirement.
Cannot attack mobs diagonally, I tried this during a quick bandos run and noticed Grimspike (the ranged one) could still attack me, my character gets stuck and cannot atack unless I move straight to him, this is true to all ranged/magic mobs as well.
God Wars
- Kree'arra's starts meleeing you as soon as you enter the room.
- Steelwill's attack animation glitches out.
- Graardor does not attack right away, you have to get close to him for him to start attacking.
- Zilyana and her generals do not aggro as soon as you go in.
- Anything in the chamber can respawn after death, including Zilyana herself.
- K'ril and his generals can respawn despite not killing K'ril first.
- Zakl'n attack animation glitches out.
- You cannot exit the boss chamber by using the door.
- Using the altar inside a boss chamber deactivates your prayers.
- Cannot eat chilli potatoes.
To keep in mind:
Multi barrage does not work yet.
- There's some delay when drinking potions/eating food.