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  1. Smouldering Stone and Infernal Items  - 03-24-2017 #1

    Iron Fist Your Bum
    Sep 2016
    10 Year Veteran
    The smouldering stone can now be combined with a dragon axe/harpoon to make the infernal axe/harpoon.
    The GE will now list an estimated lowest price of the current sell offers for an item.
    Bonds can now be exchanged on the GE.
    The vote shop has been updated and now includes dragon boots, whips, and barrows armour.
    Increased the number of herbs given from the crystal chest.
    Barrows rewards now include anti-venoms and torstols.
    Reduced the price of skilling supplies, including herblore secondaries.
    Added the missing prayer bonus to trimmed skillcapes.
    Reduced the herb box in the vote shop to 1 ticket.
    Moved the Catacombs of Kourend teleport under slayer.
    The Neitiznot stove can now be used to cook food.
    All staff members can now use the yell command.
    Fixed equipping the trimmed woodcutting cape.
    Fixed deviant spectres not counting toward slayer tasks.
    Fixed the dragon harpoon requirement (was 61 but should have been 75).

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