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SMH, pretty self explanatory what happened.
10 minutes before the fight, R4ng3 W33d's mom brought home some shopping (Lidl), she asks him to help her put them away, to which he reluctantly agreed, in trying to quickly pm his buddy 'brb' and leaving his desk to help his mother, he mistakenly knocked over a small amount of water. It was only a small amount of water, so he thought fuck it. As he was bringing in a bag of shopping, he tripped over a remote control toy car, kicking it towards his younger brother playing in the garden, the younger brother in his fright threw his hands in to the air mistakenly releasing the magnifying glass he was playing with into the air, which landed on R4ng3 W33d's window ledge. His younger brother went to retrieve the magnifying glass, leaving an action figure in the small puddle of water left on the desk. Upon seeing his younger brother in his room, r4ng3 w33d told him to leave immediately, yelling and threatening to fry his little brother's router. He went back upstairs, logged in to BS, decided to fight Jessie, while this was happening, the magnifying glass amplified the autumn sunshine and burnt a hole in his phone charge cable, causing a semi exposed wire to come into direct contact with the small puddle of water, while his little brother's action figure slowly aqua-planed in the water finally coming into contact with r4ng3's hand, conducting the electricity from the open wire delivering a small but effective electric shock to r4ng3's hand at the precise moment he attempted to click his food to thwart Jessie's attack. Obviously.