Wondering if anyone can get this for me.

Accounts needed:
The first account needs nearly the same attack, ranged, and magic level.
The second account needs as high a defence level as possible.

Attacker gear:
For melee, just an abyssal whip (82 accuracy).
For ranged, just a karils crossbow (84 accuracy).
For magic, 80-85 accuracy (such as ahrims, sotd, god cape, and barrows gloves), spell doesn't (shouldn't?) matter.

Defender gear:
Defence and magic level need to be close (magic level factors into defence)
Basically need gear for each style that matches eachother in terms of defence bonus.
Given magic defence is a bit harder to come by, you're likely looking at karils to defend against magic, and adamant to defend against melee and ranged. This will be at the very low 100s for defence against each combat style.
If you can get your magic defence higher then do so but match your melee and ranged defence as closely as possible.

Make sure to use the accurate attack style. Take down as many successful hits as possible. The more hits, the more accurate it'll be. Whatever you do, make sure you do the same number for each combat style and to include to total hits you did for each style. Also include both players levels!
For example, 50 out of 100 range hits were successful is the type of data I need from this.

What is this for? This will for starters give me some direct data I can use to compare to my hit formula and adjust to match the results. Secondly, it'll tell me if any combat style has hidden boosts applied.

What's important when testing on OSRS:
  • Include both players combat skill levels, and accuracy and defence bonuses used
  • Attacker needs similar attack/ranged/magic levels
  • Attack accuracy needs to be close for all three combat styles
  • Defender needs similiar defence and magic levels
  • Defender defence bonus needs to be close for all three combat styles
  • Same number of hits tested for each style (50, 100, whatever you want to do)
  • Include number of hits successful over total number of hits tested for each style