Crafting has been added. Tan your leather, cut your gems, and craft and enchant your jewelry now!
The crystal chest has been added! So below for a list of possible rewards.
Probita has been added and will sell boss pets under special (and expensive) circumstances.
Thieving stalls have been added to Edgeville to help new players get started easier.
You can now donate to the Wishing Well to activate global XP and drop rate boosts for 30 minutes at a time.
Strength levels can now be reset.
Made some changes that should help item switching speed.
General Graardor's ranged minimum hit on success has been raised to 15 (
Fixed venom resetting on log out.
Fixed Bounty Hunter target skipping.
Wilderness Based Changes
Killing a target will now reward you a second emblem of a random tier.
Loadouts/skills can no longer be used/reset for two minutes after leaving the Wilderness.
Sinister keys now prevent glory teleports from working above level 20 Wilderness.
A few of the Raids items have been added to the BM shop.
Chaos Elemental takes reduced damage when in multi-combat, similar to Venenatis.
The Crystal chest has been added to Edgeville. Using a key will reward you 2-3 items along with an uncut dragonstone.
1 in 96:
Raw anglerfish, Raw dark crab, Redwood logs, Uncut onyx, Zenyte shard (lower rate), Runite ore, Crystal key, Battlestaff, clue scroll (elite)
1 in 64:
Raw monkfish, Yew logs, Magic logs, Uncut dragonstone, Red d'hide, Black d'hide, Adamant ore, Torstol, Sandworm bait, Dark bait, clue scroll (hard)
1 in 32:
Raw monkfish, Raw shark, Willow logs, Maple logs, Uncut ruby, Uncut diamond, Green d'hide, Blue d'hide, Gold ore, Mithril ore, Avantoe, Kwuarm, Snapdragon, Cadantine, Lantadyme, Dwarf weed, Loop half, Tooth half, clue scroll (medium)
All other:
Raw tuna, Raw lobster, Raw swordfish, Logs, Oak logs, Uncut sapphire, Uncut emerald, Leather, Hard leather, Snakeskin, Tin ore, Copper ore, Iron ore, Coal, Guam, Marrentill, Tarromin, Harralander, Ranaar, Toadflax, Irit, Pure essence, Bowstring, Crossbow string, clue scroll (easy)